splin — splin·ter·ize; splin·ter·less; splin·tery; splin·ter; … English syllables
splin — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mnż I, D. u, Mc. splinnie {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} w stylu książkowym: stan głębokiego zniechęcenia, przygnębienia, niechęci do działania; apatia, nuda : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}Kogoś ogarnia splin. <ang.> {{/stl 10}} … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień
Splin — (en cyrillique Сплин) est un groupe de rock russe très populaire issu de Saint Pétersbourg. Leur premier album est sorti en 1994. Le groupe a notamment attiré l attention internationale grâce à sa chanson Sois mon ombre (Будь моей тенью), l une… … Wikipédia en Français
splîn — m ekspr. žarg. sumorno raspoloženje, prožeto zlovoljom, melankolijom i dosadom ✧ {{001f}}engl … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
splin — s.n. Plictiseală cauzată de lipsa unor preocupări serioase; dezgust de viaţă. [pl. nuri. Scris şi spleen. / < fr., engl. spleen]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 02.04.2009. Sursa: DN … Dicționar Român
splin — splȋn m DEFINICIJA v. spleen … Hrvatski jezični portal
splin|ter|proof — «SPLIHN tuhr PROOF», adjective. proof against splinters, as of bursting shells … Useful english dictionary
splin|ter|y — «SPLIHN tuhr ee», adjective. 1. apt to splinter: »splintery wood. 2. of or like a splinter. 3. Figurative. rough and jagged, as if from splintering: »The ridgy precipices…showed their splintery and rugged edges (Scott). 4. full of splinters. 5.… … Useful english dictionary
splin|ter — «SPLIHN tuhr», noun, adjective, verb. –n. 1. a thin, sharp piece of wood, bone, stone, glass, or the like; sliver: »He got a splinter in his hand. The mirror broke into splinters. 2. a dissenting group that breaks away from the main group. –adj.… … Useful english dictionary
splin — m IV, D. u, Ms. splinnie; lm M. y książk. «stan przygnębienia, apatii, uczucie beznadziejności, nudy, zniechęcenia; chandra» ‹ang.› … Słownik języka polskiego