STERNHEIM (C.) — STERNHEIM CARL (1878 1942) Écrivain allemand, auteur d’essais et de nouvelles, mais essentiellement connu pour ses comédies, Carl Sternheim naquit dans une famille de banquiers et s’essaya d’abord à la tragédie. Ses premières pièces certaines… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Sternheim — Sternheim, Carl … Enciclopedia Universal
Sternheim — Stẹrnheim, Carl, Schriftsteller, * Leipzig 1. 4. 1878, ✝ Brüssel 3. 11. 1942; frühe Bekanntschaft mit dem Theater; studierte Philosophie, Psychologie, Jura und Literatur u. a. in München, Leipzig und … Universal-Lexikon
STERNHEIM, CARL — (1878–1942), German playwright. The son of a banker, Sternheim was born in Leipzig and, after university studies, lived in several German cities. His early writing showed little originality, bearing the imprint of Hauptmann, Wedekind, Wagner,… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Sternheim, Carl — (William Adolf Karl Sternheim, 1878 1942) Playwright. Sternheim came from a prosperous banking family and grew up in privileged surroundings; he attended exclusive schools in Berlin and several German universities. As a playwright, Sternheim… … Historical dictionary of German Theatre
Sternheim, Carl — ▪ German dramatist in full William Adolf Carl Sternheim born April 1, 1878, Leipzig, Ger. died Nov. 3, 1942, Brussels, Belg. German dramatist best known for plainly written satiric comedies about middle class values and aspirations.… … Universalium
Sternheim, Carl — (1878 1942) dramatist; applauded in the Republic s early years for his plays satirizing bourgeois society. Born in Leipzig to a Jewish banker and theater* critic, he grew up in Berlin* and resolved in his teens to become a writer. After broad… … Historical dictionary of Weimar Republik
ШТÉРНХЕЙМ (Sternheim) Карл — (Sternheim) Карл (18781942), нем. писатель и публицист. Остросатирич. пьесы социальной направленности, близкие поэтике экспрессионизма ( Бюргер Шиппель , 1913; Сноб , 1914), новеллы, публицистика (сб. эссе Берлин, или Золотая середина ,… … Биографический словарь
Sternheim, Carl — ► (1878 1942) Literato alemán. Autor de De la vida heroica burguesa … Enciclopedia Universal
Sternheim, Karl — см. Штернгейм, Карл … Энциклопедический словарь экспрессионизма