

Eine Tamponade bezeichnet in der Medizin die Ausfüllung von natürlichen oder künstlichen Hohlräumen oder Öffnungen mit zumeist Verbandstoffen (Gaze). Dies dient zumeist der Blutstillung. Der Füllstoff wird ebenfalls Tamponade genannt.

Darüber hinaus wird auch das Ausfüllen einer Körperhöhle mit Blut oder Blutgerinnseln mit diesem Begriff bezeichnet.


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  • Tamponade — is a condition of blood flow stoppage either by insertion of a tampon (a wadded cotton plug) into a blood vessel or by a constriction of the vessel by an outside force.Tamponade is a useful method of stopping a hemorrhage. This can be achieved by …   Wikipedia

  • tamponade — /tam peuh nayd /, n. 1. Med. the use of a tampon, as to stop a hemorrhage. 2. Also called cardiac tamponade, heart tamponade. Pathol. a condition in which the heart is compressed because of an accumulation of fluid in the pericardium. Also,… …   Universalium

  • tamponade — tam·pon·ade .tam pə nād also tam·pon·age tam pə nij n 1) the closure or blockage (as of a wound or body cavity) by or as if by a tampon esp. to stop bleeding 2) CARDIAC TAMPONADE * * * n. 1. the insertion of a tampon. 2. abnormal pressure on a… …   Medical dictionary

  • tamponade — [ˌtampə neɪd] noun Medicine 1》 (also cardiac tamponade) compression of the heart by an accumulation of fluid in the pericardial sac. 2》 the surgical use of a plug of absorbent material …   English new terms dictionary

  • tamponade — n. 1) the insertion of a tampon. 2) abnormal pressure on a part of the body; for example, as caused by the presence of excessive fluid between the pericardium (sac surrounding the heart) and the heart. See: cardiac tamponade …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • Tamponade, balloon — A procedure in which a balloon is inflated within the esophagus or stomach to apply pressure on bleeding blood vessels, compress the vessels, and stop the bleeding. Used in the treatment of bleeding veins in the esophagus (esophageal varices) and …   Medical dictionary

  • Tamponade, cardiac — A life threatening situation in which there is such a large amount of fluid (usually blood) inside the pericardial sac around the heart that it interferes with the performance of the heart. The end result, if untreated, is low blood pressure,… …   Medical dictionary

  • Tamponade, esophagogastric — A procedure in which a balloon is inflated within the esophagus or stomach to apply pressure on bleeding blood vessels, compress the vessels, and stop the bleeding. Used in the treatment of bleeding veins in the esophagus (esophageal varices) and …   Medical dictionary

  • Tamponade, pericardial — A life threatening situation in which there is such a large amount of fluid (usually blood) inside the pericardial sac around the heart that it interferes with the performance of the heart. The end result, if untreated, is low blood pressure,… …   Medical dictionary

  • Tamponade, chronic — A situation in which a chronic excess of fluid inside the pericardial sac and thickening of the pericardial sac progressively compress the heart and impair its performance. The excess fluid in the pericardial sac acts to constrict the heart. The… …   Medical dictionary

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