TURKANA — Population nilotique, les Turkana appartiennent au groupe Karamojong dont ils constituent la tribu la plus importante. Ils occupent une vaste région aride de plaines et de plateaux le Turkana , située dans le nord ouest du Kenya, entre le lac… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Turkana — may refer to:* Turkana people of Kenya * Turkana language of Kenya * Lake Turkana in Kenya * Lake Turkana National Parks * Turkana District in Kenya * the fictional world of Turkana IV in a Star Trek Next Generation episodeee also*Turkana Boy … Wikipedia
Turkana — Turkana, Elgume, nilohamitisches Volk westlich des Turkanasees im wüstenhaften Nordwestkenia; ein kleiner Volksteil (Bume) lebt im äußersten Südwestäthiopien. Die etwa 220 000 Turkana sind Hirtennomaden (Rinder, Schafe, Kamele, Ziegen), seit… … Universal-Lexikon
Turkana — [tər kä′nə] Lake lake in NW Kenya, on the Ethiopian border: c. 3,500 sq mi (9,065 sq km); c. 185 mi (298 km) long … English World dictionary
Turkana — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Turkana (homonymie). Turkana Femme Turkana et son bébé (1979) Popula … Wikipédia en Français
Turkana — /toor kah neuh/, n., pl. Turkanas, (esp. collectively) Turkana for 1. 1. a member of a seminomadic people of northwestern Kenya and bordering areas of Uganda. 2. the Nilotic language of the Turkana. 3. Lake. Formerly, Rudolf. a lake in E Africa,… … Universalium
Turkana — [tə: kα:nə] noun (plural same) 1》 a member of an East African people living between Lake Turkana and the Nile. 2》 the Nilotic language of the Turkana. Origin a local name … English new terms dictionary
turkana — tu̇rˈkänə noun (plural turkana or turkanas) Usage: usually capitalized 1. : a people resembling the Masai and living between Lake Rudolf and the Nile in East Africa 2. : a member of the Turkana people … Useful english dictionary
Turkana — Admin ASC 1 Code Orig. name Turkana Country and Admin Code KE.51 KE … World countries Adminstrative division ASC I-II
Turkana people — Turkana Turkana man with children in traditional Turkana clothing. Total population 988,592 Regions with significant populations Northwestern Kenya … Wikipedia