United States Border Patrol
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United States Border Patrol — For other uses of Border Patrol , see Border Patrol (disambiguation). United States Border Patrol Common name Border Patrol Abbreviation USBP … Wikipedia
United States Border Patrol — noun the mobile law enforcement arm of the Immigration and Naturalization Service that detects and prevents illegal entry of aliens into the United States • Syn: ↑US Border Patrol • Hypernyms: ↑agency, ↑federal agency, ↑government agency, ↑bureau … Useful english dictionary
United States Border Patrol — Intégrée depuis 2003 dans l US Customs and Border Protection, l US Border Patrol avait été créée en 1928, avec seulement 450 agents pour contrôler plusieurs milliers de kilomètres de la frontière entre les États Unis et le Mexique. En 2008, elle… … Wikipédia en Français
Migrant deaths along the Mexico–United States border — Border Patrol sign in California warning Caution! Do not expose your life to the elements. It s not worth it! Each year there are several hundred migrant deaths along the Mexico–U.S. border of those attempting to cross into the United States from … Wikipedia
Mexico–United States border — The border between the United States and Mexico spans four U.S. states, six Mexican states, and has over twenty commercial railroad crossings … Wikipedia
Canada – United States border — The Canada – United States border is the international border between Canada and the United States. Officially known as the International Boundary, it is the longest common border in the world, and is unmilitarized. The terrestrial boundary… … Wikipedia
Border Patrol — United States Border Patrol Intégrée depuis 2003 dans l US Customs and Border Protection, l US Border Patrol avait été créée en 1928, avec seulement 450 agents pour contrôler plusieurs milliers de kilomètres de frontières entre les États Unis et… … Wikipédia en Français
United States–Mexico barrier — The United States ndash;Mexico barrier, also known as the Texas border wall or Texas border fence is actually several separation barriers designed to prevent illegal movement across the U.S. Mexico border. The barriers were built as part of two… … Wikipedia
United States Customs and Border Protection — U.S. Customs and Border Protection CBP Staatliche Ebene Bundesbehörde der Vereinigten Staaten (Agency of the United States government) Stellung der Behörde Bundespolizeibehörde der Vereinigten Staaten a … Deutsch Wikipedia
United States v. Brignoni-Ponce — Infobox SCOTUS case Litigants=United States v. Brignoni Ponce ArgueDate=February 18 ArgueYear=1975 DecideDate=June 30 DecideYear=1975 FullName=United States v. Brignoni Ponce USVol=422 USPage=873 Citation=95 S. Ct. 2574; 45 L. Ed. 2d 607; 1975… … Wikipedia