BERNAYS — BERNAYS, family originating in Germany with branches elsewhere in Central Europe and the U.S. ISAAC BEN JACOB BERNAYS (1792–1849), rabbi of Hamburg, Germany, was born in Mainz, studied at Wuerzburg University and at the yeshivah of Abraham Bing… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Bernays — is a surname and may refer to:* Isaac Bernays (1792 1840), a German rabbi, and father of: ** Jakob Bernays (1824 1881), a German classical linguist ** Michael Bernays (1834 1897), a German literature historian * Edward Bernays (1891 1995), the… … Wikipedia
Bernays — Bernays, 1) Jakob, Philolog, geb. 11. Sept. 1824 in Hamburg von jüdischen Eltern, gest. 26. Mai 1881 in Bonn, studierte 1844–48 in Bonn, habilitierte sich daselbst 1848, war seit 1853 Lehrer am jüdisch theologischen Seminar zu Breslau, las… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Bernays — Bernays, Jak., klassischer Philolog, geb. 11. Sept. 1824 zu Hamburg, gest. 27. Mai 1881 als Prof. und Oberbibliothekar in Bonn. Seine Abhandlungen gesammelt hg. von Usener (2 Bde., 1885). – Sein Bruder Michael B., Literarhistoriker, geb. 27. Nov … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Bernays — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie des personnes (réelles ou fictives) partageant un même patronyme. Paul Bernays (17 octobre 1888 – 18 septembre 1977), mathématicien suisse ; Edward Bernays (22 novembre 1891 – 9 mars 1995), considéré… … Wikipédia en Français
BERNAYS, EDWARD L. — BERNAYS, EDWARD L. (1891–1995), U.S. public relations executive. Born in Vienna, a nephew of sigmund freud , Bernays is regarded by many as the father of public relations. His efforts helped popularize Freud s theories in the United States. He… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Bernays, Edward L. — born Nov. 22, 1891, Vienna, Austria died March 9, 1995, Cambridge, Mass., U.S. U.S. publicist, the father of public relations. A nephew of Sigmund Freud, he was born in Austria but was brought up in New York. In organizing endorsements for a play … Universalium
Bernays, Paul Isaak — ▪ Swiss logician and mathematician born October 17, 1888, London, England died September 18, 1977, Zürich, Switzerland Swiss mathematician whose work in proof theory and axiomatic set theory (set theory) helped create the new discipline of… … Universalium
BERNAYS, Lewis Adolphus (1831-1908) — public servant son of Dr A. Bernays, professor of German language and literature at King s College, London, was born on 3 May 1831. He was educated at King s College, and at the age of nineteen, emigrated to New Zealand, where he engaged in sheep … Dictionary of Australian Biography
Bernays–Schönfinkel class — The Bernays–Schönfinkel class of formulas, named after Paul Bernays and Moses Schönfinkel, is a decidable fragment of first order logic formulas.It corresponds to formulas which, when written in prenex normal form, have an exists^*forall^*… … Wikipedia