CRN steht für:

  • Aerocaribbean, ICAO-Code, kubanische Fluggesellschaft
  • Center for Responsible Nanotechnology, nichtkommerzielle Organisation zur Erforschung der gesellschaftlichen und politischen Auswirkungen von Nanotechnologie
  • Christmas Rock Night, christliches Rockmusik-Festival
  • Computer Reseller News, eine Fachzeitschrift
  • Corrin, ein Biomolekül
  • Cromarty, IATA-Code des Flughafens in Großbritannien
  • Kornisch, SIL-Sprachcode, keltische Sprache

CrN steht für:

  • Chromnitrid, chemische Verbindung aus Chrom und Stickstoff

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Schlagen Sie auch in anderen Wörterbüchern nach:

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  • CRN — could refer to:* Canadian Registration Number, a design registration for pressure containing industrial and residential equipment * Carolina and Northwestern Railroad reporting mark|CRN * Center for Responsible Nanotechnology * Climate Reference… …   Wikipedia

  • crn — cȓn prid. <odr. ī, komp. cȑnjī> DEFINICIJA 1. koji je najtamnije boje [crn kao ugljen], opr. bijel 2. koji je potpuno taman zbog nedostatka izvora svjetlosti [crna noć] 3. koji ima tamnu ili osunčanu put 4. koji je neke tamnije boje u… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • cȓn — prid. 〈odr. ī, komp. cȑnjī〉 1. {{001f}}koji je najtamnije boje [∼ kao ugljen], opr. bijel 2. {{001f}}koji je potpuno taman zbog nedostatka izvora svjetlosti [∼a noć] 3. {{001f}}koji ima tamnu ili tamniju put 4. {{001f}}koji je neke tamnije boje… …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • čŕn — í ž (ȓ) 1. knjiž., redko črnjava, črno: črn za nohti 2. nav. slabš., zlasti v ruskem okolju preprosto, revno ljudstvo: črn je popivala po krčmah a o stil. ó prid. (ŕ) 1. ki je take barve kot oglje ali saje, ant. bel: črni lasje; črn maček;… …   Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika

  • CRN — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.   Sigles d’une seule lettre   Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres   Sigles de quatre lettres …   Wikipédia en Français

  • CRN Digital Talk Radio Networks — (formerly Cable Radio Network), sometimes simply referred to as CRN or CRN Digital Talk , is a syndicator and distributor of radio programs and talk radio networks.The content is primarily talk radio programming, produced both in house and from… …   Wikipedia

  • CRN (shipyard) — CRN is an Italian shipyard, founded in Ancona in 1963 and part of the Ferretti group since 1999. Today CRN (acronym of Costruzioni e Riparazioni Navali ) builds three deck pleasure mega yachts from 40 to 85 metres.Its creations include fully… …   Wikipedia

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  • Crn Kamen — is a mountain found in Kosovo[a] in the Šar Mountains in Gora next to Macedonia and Albania. Crn Kamen reaches a top height of 2,051 m (6,729 ft). The nearest peaks are Murga and Popova Sapka. The nearest town is Brod, and the nearest… …   Wikipedia

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