Canth — Canth, Minna, geborne Johnsson, finnische Schriftstellerin, geb. 1844 in Tammerfors als Tochter eines Arbeiteraufsehers, gest. 1900 in Kuopio, wo sie seit dem Tode ihres Gatten (1879), des Seminarlehrers H. F. Canth, ihre große Familie durch ein… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
canth — dec·a·canth; hex·a·canth; no·ta·canth; trag·a·canth; coe·la·canth; … English syllables
Canth — Cạnth, Minna, eigentlich Ulrika Vilhelmina Canth, geborene Johnsson, finnische Schriftstellerin, * Tampere 19. 3. 1844, ✝ Kuopio 12. 5. 1897; Dramatikerin und Erzählerin; führte den Realismus in Finnland ein; verfocht die Frauenemanzipation… … Universal-Lexikon
Canth, Minna — (1844 1897) A Finnish novelist, short story writer, and dramatist, Canth was Finland s most significant playwright after Aleksis Kivi and one of its most outspoken realist social critics, writing on themes similar to those of Henrik Ibsen and… … Historical Dictionary of Scandinavian Literature and Theater
Canth, Minna — ▪ Finnish author in full Ulrika Vilhelmina Canth , née Johnsson born March 19, 1844, Tampere, Russian Finland died May 12, 1897, Kuopio novelist and dramatist, a late 19th century leader of the revival of the Finnish vernacular and Realist… … Universalium
Canth, Minna — soprannome di Canth, Ulrika Wilhelmina … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
canth(o)- — [Gr. kanthos] a combining form denoting relationship to a canthus … Medical dictionary
canth — (G). The corner of the eye … Dictionary of word roots and combining forms
canth- — or cantho Usage: combining form Etymology: New Latin, from canthus : canthus : canthal canthitis … Useful english dictionary
Minna Canth — Portrait of Minna Canth by Kaarlo Vuori Born 19 March 1844 Tampere, Finland Died 12 May 1897(1897 05 12 … Wikipedia