frug — 1964, popular U.S. dance derived from the Twist, of unknown origin … Etymology dictionary
FRUG — Basisdaten Titel: Gesetz zur Umsetzung der Richtlinie über Märkte für Finanzinstrumente und der Durchführungsrichtlinie der Kommission Kurztitel: Finanzmarktrichtlinie Umsetzungsgesetz Art: Bundesgesetz Geltungsbereich: Bundesrepublik Deutschland … Deutsch Wikipedia
frug — /frʌg/ (say frug) noun 1. a dance derived from the twist. –verb (i) (frugged, frugging) 2. to dance the frug. {20th century; origin unknown} …
frug — frugger, n. /froohg/, n., v., frugged, frugging. n. 1. a dance deriving from the twist. v.i. 2. to dance the frug. [1960 65; of unexplained orig.; perh. akin to FRIG] * * * … Universalium
frug — v. To solicit donations and attempt other forms of fundraising while pretending to conduct market research. Example Citation: Other protests come from the advertising research industry, which is furious about a venerable direct mail gimmick:… … New words
frug — n. disco dance derived from the twist v. dance the frug; try and obtain donations and attempt other types of fundraising while acting as if conducting market research … English contemporary dictionary
frug — noun a vigorous dance to pop music, popular in the mid 1960s. verb (frugs, frugging, frugged) perform the frug. Origin 1960s: of unknown origin … English new terms dictionary
frug — frugger, n. /froohg/, n., v., frugged, frugging. n. 1. a dance deriving from the twist. v.i. 2. to dance the frug. [1960 65; of unexplained orig.; perh. akin to FRIG] … Useful english dictionary
frug´ger — frug «froog», noun, verb, frugged, frug|ging. –n. a rock n roll dance performed with little or no movement of the feet but with rhythmic motions of the hips, arms, head, and shoulders: »One of the most popular discotheque dances in Europe was the … Useful english dictionary
FRUG, SHIMON SHMUEL — (1860–1916), Russian poet. Frug was born in a Jewish agricultural colony in Kherson province, Russia; he was self educated. He began his poetic career writing in Russian, published three volumes of verse, and was the first poet to treat Jewish… … Encyclopedia of Judaism