

Hackfeld ist der Familienname folgender Personen:

Hackfeld ist auch eine primitive Form des Ackerbaus mit der Hacke, siehe Hackbau.

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  • Hinrich Hackfeld — (* 24. August 1816 in Almsloh (Ganderkesee); † 20. Oktober 1887 in Bremen) war ein deutscher Kapitän und Kaufmann. Biografie Hackfeld war der Sohn eines Bauern und der Onkel von Konsul Johann Hackfeld. Nur unregelmäßig konnte er die Dorfschule… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Johann Hackfeld — Johann Friedrich Hackfeld (* 26. Dezember 1856 in Bookholzberg (Ganderkesee); † 27. August 1932 in Oberglottertal (Baden)) war ein deutscher Kaufmann und Konsul. Biografie Hackfeld war der Sohn eines Häuslings und Schneidermeisters sowie der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Amfac, Inc. — Amfac Hawaii, LLC was a land development company in Hawaii. Founded in 1849 as a retail and sugar business, it was considered one of the so called Big Five companies in territorial Hawaii. At its peak it owned 60,000 acres (240 km²) of land, and… …   Wikipedia

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  • George Rodiek — was one of the defendants in the Hindu German Conspiracy Trial, in San Francisco, 1918.A former Bremen tobacco clerk, Rodiek migrated to Hawaii and took up a position with Hackfeld Co in 1891. He became a naturalised United States citizen. In… …   Wikipedia

  • Walker Estate — The Walker Estate is located in the upper Nu’uanu Valley of Honolulu, Hawaii. The house was built in 1903 by George Rodiek of Hackfield and Co., a naturalised German immigrant. Originally the estate comprised a two story home with a series of… …   Wikipedia

  • List of United States Supreme Court cases, volume 197 — This is a list of all the United States Supreme Court cases from volume 197:SCOTUSTable | data =SCOTUSRow case name = Northern Pacific Railway Company v. Ely page = 1 decision date = decision year = 1905SCOTUSRow case name = Northern Pacific… …   Wikipedia

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