

Cassian, Kassian oder Cassianus ist der Name folgender Personen:

  • Johannes Cassianus (Johannes von Massilia; * um 360; † um 435), christlicher Geistlicher und Schriftsteller
  • Kassian (Cassianus; von Imola; † 303/304), christlicher Märtyrer und Heiliger
  • Cassian von Todi
  • Kassian, Erzbischof von Nowosibirsk und Barnaul
  • Cassian von Nantes (Gonzalès Vaz Lopez Neto; 16071638), Kapuzinermönch und katholischer Missionar in Ägypten
  • Nina Cassian (* 1924), rumänische Dichterin
  • Cassian Spiß (Pater Cassian; 18661905), österreichischer Benediktinermönch und katholischer Bischof
  • Kassian Etter (Pater Kassian; 19292009), Schweizer Benediktinermönch und Schauspieler
  • Kassian Haid (18791949), Generalabt des Zisterzienserordens
  • Kassian Lauterer OCist (* 1934), emeritierter Abt der Territorialabtei Wettingen-Mehrerau
  • Kassian Waldner (auch Cassiano Waldner; 19411998), katholischer Missionar

Cassian ist der Name folgender Orte:

  • Cassian (Wisconsin), Ort in den Vereinigten Staaten

Siehe auch:

  • Kassianspitze (ital. Cima di San Cassiano), Berg am Südrand des Ostkamms der Sarntaler Alpen
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  • Cassian — m English: from the name (Latin Cassiānus) of several early saints, most notably one martyred at Tangier in 298. The name is a derivative of the old Roman family name Cassius. It is of uncertain derivation, but may be connected with the Latin… …   First names dictionary

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  • Cassian, John — • Article on the monk and ascetic writer, who attempted to convey the teaching and way of life of the desert fathers and mothers to the fledgling monastic movement in Gaul Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Cassian, John      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • CASSIAN (Katz), NINA — (1924– ), Romanian poet. Starting with proletcultist poetry during the Stalinist period, Cassian became later one of the most important Romanian poets. Among her collections of poetry were Sărbătorile zilnice ( The Daily Holydays, 1961),… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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  • Cassian Elwes — (born in 1959) is a son of Dominick Elwes and Tessa Kennedy. He is the brother of actor Cary Elwes. He is the stepson of Elliott Kastner, an American film producer. He began his career in the film industry in the early 1980s, as a producer of… …   Wikipedia

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