

Jenckes ist der Familienname folgender Personen:

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  • Jenckes — Recorded as Genge, Jank, Janks, Jenk, Jenckes, Jenkes, Jenks, Jinks, Jynkson, Jinkson, and others, this is an English medieval surname, but one arguably of Norman French origins. It is what is known as a back formation and was created from the… …   Surnames reference

  • Jenckes House — Infobox nrhp | name =Jenckes House nrhp type = caption = location= Lincoln, Rhode Island lat degrees = 41 lat minutes = 53 lat seconds = 44 lat direction = N long degrees = 71 long minutes = 26 long seconds = 55 long direction = W locmapin =… …   Wikipedia

  • Jenckes Mansion — Infobox nrhp | name =Jenckes Mansion nrhp type = caption = location= Woonsocket, Rhode Island lat degrees = 42 lat minutes = 0 lat seconds = 44 lat direction = N long degrees = 71 long minutes = 30 long seconds = 7 long direction = W locmapin =… …   Wikipedia

  • Thomas Jenckes — Thomas Allen Jenckes (* 2. November 1818 in Cumberland, Rhode Island; † 4. November 1875 ebenda) war ein US amerikanischer Politiker. Zwischen 1863 und 1871 vertrat er den ersten Wahlbezirk des Bundesstaates Rhode Island im US… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Virginia E. Jenckes — (1933) Virginia Ellis Jenckes (* 6. November 1877 in Terre Haute, Indiana; † 9. Januar 1975 ebenda) war eine US amerikanische Politikerin. Zwischen 1933 und 1939 vertrat sie den Bundesstaat Indiana im US Repräsentantenhaus. Werdegang …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Thomas Jenckes — Thomas Allen Jenckes (November 2, 1818 November 4, 1875) was a United States Congressional representative for the State of Rhode Island. Jenckes was best known for introducing a bill that created the United States Department of Justice. President …   Wikipedia

  • Marcien Jenckes — Maricen Jenckes is the senior vice president and general manager of video and entertainment services for Comcast. Past positions Previously he was the president of the Media and Content divisions of Grab Networks and before that he was the Chief… …   Wikipedia

  • Whipple-Jenckes House — Infobox nrhp | name =Whipple Jenckes House nrhp type = caption = location= Cumberland, Rhode Island lat degrees = 41 lat minutes = 57 lat seconds = 24 lat direction = N long degrees = 71 long minutes = 24 long seconds = 4 long direction = W… …   Wikipedia

  • Virginia E. Jenckes — Virginia Ellis Jenckes (November 6, 1877 January 9, 1975) was a U.S. Representative from Indiana. She was the first woman to serve in the U.S. House from the state of Indiana.Born in Terre Haute, Indiana, as Virginia Ellis Somes, Jenckes served… …   Wikipedia

  • E. N. Jenckes Store — Infobox nrhp | name =Jenckes, E. N., Store nrhp type = caption = location= Douglas, Massachusetts lat degrees = 42 lat minutes = 4 lat seconds = 18 lat direction = N long degrees = 71 long minutes = 42 long seconds = 51 long direction = W… …   Wikipedia

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