Karl Wohlhart

Karl Wohlhart

Karl Wohlhart (* 1928 in Aschach an der Steyr[1]) ist ein emeritierter österreichischer Hochschullehrer[2] an der Technischen Universität in Graz.



Nach der Matura an der HTL Steyr studierte Wohlhart ab 1947 an der Technischen Hochschule (heute Technische Universität) in Graz Maschinenbau. Nach Jahren als Hochschulassistent promovierte er 1966 zum Doktor der Technischen Wissenschaften. 1969 trat er bei der DFVLR, der Deutschen Forschungsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt in Mülheim an der Ruhr ein. 1971 erhielt er an der Ruhruniversität Bochum die Venia Legendi für Mechanik. Er hielt Vorlesungen in Bochum, Aachen, Leoben und Innsbruck und Anfang 1972 konnte er als ordentlicher Hochschulprofessor für Theoretische Maschinenlehre in Graz beginnen. 1977 erfolgte die Ernennung zum ordentlichen Professor und Vorstand des Institutes für Mechanik. Wohlhart hat in den 20 Jahren an der TU rund 45 wissenschaftliche Arbeiten verfasst. Er war zwölf Jahre lang war Vorsitzender des Österreichischen Nationalkomitees der IFToMM, der International Federation for the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, die ihn 1995 zum Member des Executive Councils gewählt hat.


Scientific Publications

  • Karl Wohlhart: Über die Verwendung der kinematischen Pläne zur Ermittlung der Eigenfrequenz einer Getriebekette. Ingenieurarchiv 36, Heft 2, S 135-144. 1967.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Schwingungen von Seilen. Habilitationsschrift. K. Mayer, Stuttgart 1967.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Über die Anwendung der kinematischen Pläne auf mechanische Systeme mit mehreren Freiheitsgraden. Deutsche Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt für Luft und Raumfahrt, FB 69-76, Oktober 1969.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Zur Berechnung von nichtlinearen Schwingungen. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. Sonderdruck, Band 49, Heft 5, 1969.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Stationäre Schwingungen bei nichtsymmetrischer Kennlinie. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik. Vol. 21, Fasc.4, 1970, p. 636-644.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Dynamische Stabilität biegsamer Stabraketen. Deutsche Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt, FB 70-03, Februar 1970.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Nichtlineare Schwingungen und kinematische Pläne höherer Ordnung. Proceedings of the third World Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Kupari, Yugoslavia, Sept. 13-20, 1971, Vol. A Paper A-19, pp. 223-234.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Moderne Tensormethoden. Deutsche Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt für Luft und Raumfahrt, DFVLR Bericht I.B.185-711I, 1971.
  • K.Wohlhart: Dynamische Kippstabilität eines Plattenstreifens unter Folgelast. Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften, Vol. 19, Heft 7, pp. 291-298. 1971.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Über die Dimensionierung von Wippkranmechanismen. International Symposium- Machines and Mechanisms. University Research Work and its Application to Industry. Dublin, Sept. 12-13, Ireland, 1974.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Schwingungen elastischer Seile. Fourth World Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Sept. 8-12, 1975.
  • Karl Wohlhart: On the Synthesis of „Turbula" Gear Train. Proceedings of the Fifth Wor1d Congress on Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Vol. 1 pp. 747-750, ASME. 1979,
  • Karl Wohlhart: A Dynamie Analysis of the Turbula. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Gearing & Power Transmissions, Tokyo, pp. 425- 430. 1981.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Die homogene orthogonale und nicht versetzte Zwanglautkette 7R und ihr Spiegelbild. Proceedings of the Sixth Wor1d Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, pp. 272-276. 1983.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Displacement Analysis of a Basie 7R Space Mechanism. The Fourth International Symposium on Linkages and Computer Aided Design Methods, Bucharest, Romania July 4-9, Vol. 11-2, Paper 5.1 pp. 421-428. 1985.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Zur Dynamik des Turbula-Mischers. Österreichische Ingenieur und Architekten Zeitschrift. Sonderdruck aus Heft 4, Jg. 1313, S 164-166,1986.
  • Karl Wohlhart: The Second Basic 7R Mechanism. l lth. Polish Conference on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms. April 27-30. Serie: Mechanika z.86 Nr. kol. 1012, pp. 399-420, Zakopane 1987.
  • Karl Wohlhart: A New 6R Space Mechanism. Proceedings of the 7th World.Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Sept. 17-22, Sevilla, Spain, Vol. 1 , pp. 193-198. 1987.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Der Homogene Paralleltrieb-Mechanismus. Mathematica Pannonica 2/2, pp. 59-76. 1991
  • Karl Wohlhart: Merging Two General Goldberg 5R Linkages to Obtain a New 6RSpace Mechanism. Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 26, No. 7, pp. 659-668. 1991.
  • Karl Wohlhart, P. Dietmaier: Equilibrium Position of a Garland of Uniformly Moving Chain. Proceedings of the International Conference on Motion and Power transmission, Nov. 23-26, Hiroshima, Japan, pp. 445-450. 1991.
  • K: Wohlhart: On Isomerie Overeonstrained Spaee Meehanisms, Proeeedings of the Eights World Congress on the Theory ofMachines and Mechanisms, pp.153-198, Prag 1991.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Direct Kinematic Solution of the General Plauar Steward Platfonn. Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing, March 24-27 ,Serie: Mechanika Z. 108 Nr. kol. 1 161, pp. 403-41 1 , 1992.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Displacement Analysis of the General Spatial Parallelogram-Manipulator. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Advances in Robot Kinematics, Sept. 7-9, Ferrara, Italy, pp. 104-111,1992.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Decomposition of a Finite Rotation into Three Consecutive Rotations about Given Axes. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms. Liberee, Czechoslovakia, pp. 325-332. Sept. 1992.
  • G. Pavlin, Karl Wohlhart: On Straight-Line Space Meehanisms. Proceedings of the sixth International Conference on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms Liberec, Czechoslovakia, pp. 241-246, Sept. 1992.
  • Karl Wohlhart: The Two Types of the Orthogonal Bricard Linkage. Mechanism and Machine Theory. Vol.28, No. 6, pp. 806-817, 1993.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Heureka Octahedron and Brussels Folding Cube as Special Cases of the Turning Tower, Proceedings of the Sixth IFToMM International Symposium on Linkages and Computer Aided Design Methods, Bucharest, Romania, Vol. 11, Paper 39, pp. 303-132, June 1-5, 1993
  • Karl Wohlhart: Dynamics of the Turning Tower. Proceedings of the IV Ogolnopolska Konferencja Maszyn Wlokienniezyeh i Dzwigowych. Bielsko-Biala, czerwiec, pp. 325-332, 1993.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Displacement Analysis of the General Spherieal Stewart Platform. Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 581-589, 1994.
  • Karl Wohlhart: On the Single-Serew Reciprocal to the General Line-Symmetrie Six-Screw Linkage, Mechanism and Machine Theory. Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 169-175, (together with Eddie Baker) 1994.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Position Analysis of the Rhombic Assur Group. Ro.Man. Sy. Symposium, 12.-15., Danzig, Polen,Sept. 1994,
  • Karl Wohlhart: The Screwtower, an Overconstraint Multi-Loop Space Mechanism. Proceedings of the International Conference "Spatial Mechanisms and High Class Meehanisms". Almaty, Structure and Kinematics. Vol. 1, pp. 38-45, 1994.
  • Karl Wohlhart: A Parallel Redundant Manipulator Based on the Assur Group (3.4). Proeeedings of the International Conferenee on Computer Integrated Manufacturing. Zakopane, pp. 371-378. 1994.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Dynamic Stability of the Nonlinear Vibrations of a Trapezoidal Swing. Proceedings of I Congreso Iberoamerieano de Ingeniera Mecaniea, Madrid, Vol. 3 pp. 227-232. 1994.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Das dreifach plansymmetrische "Oktoid" und seine Punktbahnen. Mathematica Pannonica 6/2 ,pp. 243 –265, 1995.
  • Karl Wohlhart: New Overconstrained Spheroidal Linkages. Proceedings of the Ninth World Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Milano, Vol. 1, p.149-154, August 1995.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Motor Tensor Calculus. Computational Kinematics, pp. 93-102, Kluwer Academic Publisher Netherland. 1995
  • Karl Wohlhart: Motor Calculus, A New Theoretical Device for Mechanics, R.v.Mises - English Version: E .J. Baker, K. Wohlhart, Published by the Institute for Mechanics, University of Technology Graz, 72 pages. 1995 .
  • Karl Wohlhart: Kinematotropic Linkages, Recent Advances in Robot Kinematics, pp. 359-368, Kluwer Academic Publishers , Netherlands 1996.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Dynamics of the Fulleroid, 19th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Kyoto, Japan, Preprint KS8-18 , p. 14. 1996.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Kinematics and Dynamics of the Fulleroid, Multibody Systems Dynamies, 1: 241-258, , Kluwer Academic Publishers , Netherlands. 1997.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Kinematics of Röschel Polyhedra, Advances in Robot Kinematics: Analysis and Control, J.Lenarcic and M. Husty eds.pp.277-286, Kluwer Akademie Publisher,1998
  • Karl Wohlhart: Statik, Grundlagen und Beispiele, 164 pages, Vieweg Verlag, 1998. ISBN 3-528-03110-7
  • Karl Wohlhart: Dynamik, Grundlagen und Beispiele, 261 pages, Vieweg Verlag ,1998 ISBN 3-528-03109-3
  • Karl Wohlhart: Degrees of Shakiness, Journal Mechanism and Machine Theory,Vol.34, No. 7, pp. 1103-1126, Pergamon 1999.
  • G. Cerwinka, Karl Wohlhart: Ferdinand Wittenbauer, Lehrer, Forscher , Dichter, "Zur Entwicklung der Mechanik als Wissenschaft“, Technik in Graz, J.W.Wohinz Ed. Böhlau Verlag Wien Köln, 1999.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Deformable Cages, Tenth World Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms , Oulo, Finland, pp.683-688, 1999.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Architectural Shakiness or Architectural Mobility of Platforms, Advanves in Robot Kinematics (Eds. J. Lenarcic, M.M. Stanisic) ARK, June 2000, Piran, Slovenia, pp.365-374, Kluwer Akademie Publisher, 2000.
  • Karl Wohlhart: New Overconstrained Cage Mechanisms, Proceedings of the International Conference on "Gearing, Transmissions and Mechanical Systems" Ed.Daizhong Wu,Nottingham UK, Professional Engineering PubI., pp.697-706, 2000.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Inertia Cylindroid and Inertia Poles, Proceedings of "A Symposium Commemorating the Legacy, Work, and Life of Sir R.St. Ball Upon the 100th Anniverary of A Treatise on the Theory of Screws , University of Cambridge, published as a CD. July 2000.
  • Karl Wohlhart: A Spinning Platform Mechanism, Proceedings ot the VIII.International Conference on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms (IFTOMM), Liberec, Czech Republic, pp., 829-837, September 2000 .
  • Karl Wohlhart: Double-Chain Mechanisms, Proceedings ofthe IUTAM-IASS Symposium on Depoyable Stuctures:Theory and Applications, Eds.: S. Pelegrino and S.D.Guest. Kluwer Academic Publisher, pp. 457-466. 2000.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Architectural Mobility for Second Kind of Schoenfließ Displacement of a Platform, Symposium: "Kinematics and Manifolds", Strobl, Austria, March 2000.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Regular Polyhedral Linkages, Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Computational Kinematics ,pp.239-248 .Seoul, Mai 2001.
  • Karl Wohlhart: New Regular Polyhedral Linkages, Proceedings ofthe SYROM 2001.Vol II,pp.365-370 Bukarest Roumania, September 2001.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Time Derivatives ofthe Velocity Motor, Proceedings ofthe SYROM 2001, Vol.II, pp.371-376 ,Bukarest Roumania, September 2001.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Kinematotropic and Discontinuously Moveable Mechaninisms, Lecture at the National Kaohsiung University ofApplied Sciences, Kaohsiung, Taiwan,31 Mai 2001,1011.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Regular Polyhedral Linkages, Lecture at the National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, 1 Juni 2001.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Synthesis of Architecturally Mobile Double-Planar Platforms, Proceedings of the ARK 2002 pp.473-482, Caides de Mallavelle Spain, June 2002
  • Karl Wohlhart: Mises Derivatives ofMotors and Motor Tensors, Proceedings of the Romansy 14 pp.87-98 ,Udine Italy, July 2002
  • Karl Wohlhart: Mobile 6-SPS Parallel Manipulators, Journal of Robotic Systems,Vol.20, Number 8,pp:509-516 August 2003
  • Karl Wohlhart: Irregular Polyhedral Linkages, Proceedings ofthe Eleventh Worid Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Tianjin China Vol.3 pp: 1083-1087 1-4 April 2004
  • Karl Wohlhart, Motor Caleulus: Derivation of a motor results in a motor, Lecture at the University of Post and Telecommunication Pejing 7 April 2004.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Polyhedral Zig-Zag Linkages, Proceedings of the Symposion "On Advances in Robot Kinematies" ARK2004, pp, 351-360, Sestri-Levante, Kluver Akademie Publishers, Netherlands, 2004
  • Karl Wohlhart: Screw Spaces and Connectivities in Multiloop Linkages, Proceedings of the Symposion "On Advances in Robot Kinematies" ARK 2004, pp 97-104, Sestri-Levante, Kluver Akademie- Publishers, Netherlands. 2004.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Mobility Formula Revisited, Proeeedings of CK2005, International Workshop on Computational Kinematies, CO-Proceedings, pp .1-12,Monte Cassino, Italy 2005.
  • Karl Wohlhart, Double Pyramidal Linkages, 9th IFrOMM-ARoTMM on Theory of Machines and Mechanisms , CD Proceedings Vol.l, Sec.2, pp. 293-300. Bukarest Sept. 1-4, 2005.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Architectural Singularities and Self-Motions of Platforms for Schoenflicß Displacements, First European Conference of Mechanism Science, EuCoMeS , Obergurgl, February pp.21-26 ,2006
  • Karl Wohlhart: Cupola Linkages, 12th IFToMM World Congress, Besancon(France), Vol.l,pp.319-324, June 18-21 2007
  • Karl Wohlhart: Double-Ring Polyhedral Linkages, Interdisciplinary Applications of Kinematik, Preproceedings, pp, 1-17 Peru, Lima, January 9-11,2008
  • Karl Wohlhart: Robots based on Assur Group A(3.5), Advanves in Robot Batz sur mer, pp.165-175, Springer Science+Business Media. Kinematics 2008,
  • Karl Wohlhart: New Polyhedral Star Linkages . X.Intern Conference on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Liberec, Czech Republic ,September 2008
  • Karl Wohlhart "Kinematotropic Linkages" keynote speech at the ASME/IFroMM International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots (REMAG 2009) London 2009
  • Karl Wohlhart: "Position Analyses of Open Normal Assur Groups A (3,6)" Proceedings of the ASME/IFroMM International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots (REMAG 2009) 22-24 London, pp.56-62, June 2009.
  • Karl Wohlhart " From higher degrees of shakiness to mobility" , Mechanism and Machine Theory, vo1.45 issue 3 march 2010 pp. 467-476 ,march 2010. [1]
  • Karl Wohlhart: "Position analysis of normal quadrilateral Assur groups" Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vo1.45 Issue 9, pp.1367-1384, September 2010. [2]
  • Karl Wohlhart: Multifuntional 7R Linkages . Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mechanisms and Machine Theory , AzCIFroMM- Izmir Institut of Technology, pp. 83- 91,Izmir Turkey 5-8 Oktober 2010.
  • Karl Wohlhart: Keynote speech: Mobile Polyhedral Mechanisms, AzCIFroMM- Izmir Institut ofTechnology, Izmir Turkey ,5-8 Oktober 2010



  1. Wohlhart, Karl auf der Webseite www.kcl.ac.uk; ReMar 2009, Seite 8
  2. Visitenkarte an der TU Graz, (abgefragt am 14. August 2010)
  3. Landespressedienst v. 16. Juni 2009 (abgefragt am 14. August 2010)


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