

Kingsmill ist die Bezeichnung von:

  • Kingsmill (Texas), eine Ortschaft im Gray County, im US-Bundesstaat Texas
  • Kingsmill Plantation, eine historische Plantage des NRHP in Williamsburg, im US-Bundesstaat Virginia (NRHP-ID 72001401)
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  • Kingsmill — was the name of a plantation located in James City County, Virginia. It was located on the north bank of the James River a few miles east (downstream) of Jamestown, where the first permanent settlement was established in 1607.Plantation… …   Wikipedia

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  • Kingsmill (surname) — for other uses see Kingsmill Kingsmill is a surname, and may refer to1400* John Kingsmill of Sidmanton, Sir (1456 1556)1700* John Allen Kingsmill (1794 1869) * Captain Robert Kingsmill1800* Thomas Kingsmill Abbott, Rev Dr ((1829 1913) Irish… …   Wikipedia

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