Liste der City of Seattle Landmarks

Liste der City of Seattle Landmarks

Die Liste der City of Seattle Landmarks nennt die vom City of Seattle Landmarks Preservation Board ausgewiesenen Denkmäler in Seattle.[1]

Landmark Stadtbereich[2] Adresse Abbildung
1411 Fourth Avenue Building Downtown 1411 Fourth Avenue Seattle - 1411 Fourth 01.jpg
20th Avenue NE Bridge Northeast im Ravenna Park Ravenna Park 02.jpg
320 Terry Avenue Lake Union 320 Terry Avenue N.
Admiral Theater Southwest 2343 California Avenue S.W. Seattle - Admiral Theater 01.jpg
Admiral’s House Magnolia/Queen Anne 2001 W. Garfield Street
Anhalt Apartment Building Greater Capitol Hill 1005 E. Roy Street Seattle - 1005 E. Roy 01.jpg
Anhalt Apartment Building Greater Capitol Hill 1014 E. Roy Street Seattle - 1014 E. Roy 04.jpg
Ankeny-Gowey House Magnolia/Queen Anne 912 2nd Avenue. W Seattle - 912 Second Ave W 04.jpg
Arboretum Aqueduct Greater Capitol Hill Lake Washington Boulevard E. an der E. Foster Island Road Seattle - Arboretum Bridge 02.jpg
Arctic Building Downtown 306 Cherry Street Seattle - Arctic Building - walrus 01.jpg
B.F. Day School Lake Union 3921 Linden Avenue N. Seattle - B.F. Day School - 1900.jpg
Ballard/Howe House Magnolia/Queen Anne 22 W. Highland Drive Seattle - 22 W Highland Drive 01.jpg
Bank of America Building / Seattle First National Bank Building Magnolia/Queen Anne 566 Denny Way Seattle - former SeaFirst on Denny 01.jpg
Bank of California Building Downtown 815 2nd Avenue Seattle - 815 Second Ave 01.jpg
Barnes Building Downtown 2320 1st Avenue
Seattle - Barnes Building.jpg
Baroness Apartments Downtown 1005 Spring Street Seattle - Baroness Apartment Hotel 01.jpg
Beacon Hill First Baptist Church Southeast 1607 S. Forest Street Seattle - Beacon Hill First Baptist Church 02A.jpg
Bel Roy Apartments Greater Capitol Hill  
Bell Building Downtown 2326 1st Avenue
Seattle Austin Bell Bldg 01.jpg
Belltown Cottages Downtown 2512, 2512A & 2516 Elliot Avenue Seattle - Belltown Cottages 01.jpg
Ben Bridge Jewelers Street Clock Downtown 409 Pike Street Seattle - Ben Bridge clock 01.jpg
Benton's Jewelers Street Clock Northeast 3216 N.E 45th Street
Seattle - Benton's Clock 02B.jpg
Bethany Presbyterian Church Magnolia/Queen Anne 1818 Queen Anne Avenue N. Seattle - Bethany Presbyterian 07.jpg
Black Manufacturing Building Central Area 1130 Rainier Avenue S. Seattle - 1130 Rainier Ave S 02.jpg
Black Property Southeast 1319 12th Avenue S. Seattle - Black Property 03.jpg
Bon Marché Downtown 300 Pine Street Seattle - The Bon 01.jpg
Bloss House Southwest 4055 SW Holgate Street
Bon Marché Stables Downtown 2315 Western Ave. Seattle - Bon Marche Stable 02.jpg
Bowen/Huston Bungalow Magnolia/Queen Anne 715 W. Prospect Street Seattle - 715 W. Prospect 01A.jpg
Bower/Bystrom House Greater Capitol Hill 1022 Summit Avenue E. Seattle - 1022 Summit E 02.jpg
Boyer/Lambert House Greater Capitol Hill 1617 Boyer Avenue E. Seattle - Boyer-Lambert House 02.jpg
Brace/Moriarty House Magnolia/Queen Anne 170 Prospect Street Seattle - 170 Prospect St 01.jpg
Brehm Brothers Houses Greater Capitol Hill 219 & 221 36th Avenue E.
Seattle - Brehm Brothers Houses 03.jpg
Brill Trolley     King County Metro Brill Trolley.jpg
Brooklyn Building Downtown 1222 2nd Avenue
Seattle - The Brooklyn at night 01A.jpg
Bryant Elementary School Northeast 3311 N.E. 60th Street Seattle - Bryant School 04.jpg
C.H. Black House & Gardens Magnolia/Queen Anne 615 W. Lee Street Seattle - 615 W. Lee 05.jpg
California Avenue Substation Southwest 4304 S.W. Dakota Street Seattle - California Avenue Substation 02.jpg
Camlin Hotel Downtown 1619 9th Avenue Seattle Camlin 03.jpg
Capitol Hill United Methodist Church
auch bekannt als First Methodist Protestant Church of Seattle
Greater Capitol Hill 128 16th Avenue E. Seattle 1st Methodist - Catalysis 01.jpg
Carroll’s Jewelers Street Clock Downtown 1427 4th Avenue
Seattle - Carroll's clock 05.jpg
Century Square Street Clock Downtown 1529 4th Avenue
Seattle - Century Square clock 01.jpg
Central Building Downtown 810 3rd Avenue Seattle - Central Building 01.jpg
Central Waterfront Piers Downtown Piers 54, 55, 56, 57 & 59 SafecoQwest.jpg
Charles Bussell House (Eastman/Jacobsen) Greater Capitol Hill 1630 36th Avenue Seattle - 1630 36th Avenue 02.jpg
Cheasty Boulevard South Southeast   Seattle - Cheasty Blvd 02.jpg
Chelsea Apartment Building
ursprünglich Chelsea Family Hotel
Magnolia/Queen Anne 620 W. Olympic Place Seattle - The Chelsea 01.jpg
Chinese Community Bulletin Board Downtown 511 7th Avenue S. Seattle - Chinese Community Bulletin Board 02.jpg
Church of the Blessed Sacrament and Rectory Northeast 5041 9th Avenue N.E. Seattle - Blessed Sacrament 08.jpg
Cleveland High School Southeast 5511 15th Avenue S. Seattle - Cleveland High School 02A.jpg
Coca Cola Bottling Plant Greater Capitol Hill 1313 E. Columbia St. Seattle - 1313 Columbia 01.jpg
Coliseum Theater Building Downtown N.E. corner of 5th Avenue & Pike Street Seattle Coliseum Theater 01.jpg
Colman Building Downtown 801-821 1st Avenue Seattle Colman Building 03.jpg
Colman School Central Area 2300 S. Massachusetts Street Seattle - NAAM 04.jpg
Concord Elementary School Greater Duwamish 723 S. Concord Street Seattle - Concord School 02.jpg
Cooper House Greater Capitol Hill 225-227 14th Avenue E. Seattle - 225-227 14th Ave E 02.jpg
Cooper School Southwest 4408 Delridge Way S.W. Frank B. Cooper School 04.jpg
Cotterill House Magnolia/Queen Anne 2501 Westview Drive W. Seattle - Cotterill House 04.jpg
Cowen Park Bridge Northeast 15th Avenue N.E. zwischen Cowen Place N.E. und N.E. 62nd Street Cowen Park Bridge 05 - colormapped.jpg
Dearborn House Greater Capitol Hill 1117 Minor Avenue Seattle Dearborn House 03.jpg
Decatur Building Downtown 1521 6th Avenue Seattle - Decatur Building 01.jpg
De la Mar Apartment Building Magnolia/Queen Anne 115 W. Olympic Place Seattle - De La Mar 04.jpg
Denny’s Restaurant / Manning’s Cafeteria (abgerissen)[3][4] Northwest N.W. Market Street & 15th Avenue N.W. Seattle - Ballard Manning's Denny's 02.jpg
Dexter Horton Building Downtown 710 2nd Avenue
Seattle - Dexter Horton Bldg - 3rd Ave 01.jpg
Douglass-Truth Library Central Area 2300 E. Yesler Way Seattle Douglass Truth 02.jpg
Doyle Building / J.S. Graham Store Downtown 119 Pine Street Seattle - 119 Pine 01.jpg
Dr. Annie Russell House Northeast 5721 8th Avenue N.E. Seattle - 5721 8th NE 02.jpg
Drake House Greater Ballard 6414 22nd Avenue N.W. Seattle - 6414 22 NW 03.jpg
Dunlap Elementary School Southeast 8621 48th Avenue S.
Seattle - Dunlap School 01.jpg
Duwamish Railroad Bridge Greater Duwamish Eisenbahnstrecke südlich der Spokane Street Bridge über den Duwamish Waterway
Bascule bridge from West Seattle Bridge 01.jpg
Eagles Temple Building/ACT Theater Downtown 1416 7th Avenue Seattle Eagles Auditorium terracotta 02.jpg
East Republican Street Stairway Greater Capitol Hill zwischen Melrose Avenue E. und Bellevue Avenue E. Seattle - E Republican St staircase 01.jpg
Eastern Hotel Downtown 506 1/2 Maynard Avenue S. Seattle - Eastern Hotel 01.jpg
Egan House Greater Capitol Hill 1500 Lakeview Blvd. Egan House 2.jpg
Eitel Building Downtown 1501 2nd Avenue
Seattle - Eitel Building 01A.jpg
El Rio Apartments Downtown 1922-1928 9th Avenue
Seattle - El Rio entrance - 01.jpg
Ellsworth Storey Historic Cottages Group Central Area 1706-1816 Lake Washington Boulevard S. und 1725-1729 36th Avenue S. Seattle - Ellsworth Storey Cottages 02.jpg
Ellsworth Storey Houses Greater Capitol Hill 260 and 270 Dorffel Drive E. Seattle - Ellsworth Storey Houses pano 01.jpg
Emerson Elementary School Southeast 9709 S. 60th Street Seattle - Emerson School 01.jpg
Epiphany Chapel Greater Capitol Hill 3719 E. Denny Way Seattle - Epiphany Parish Episcopal chapel 01.jpg
Exchange Building Downtown 821 2nd Avenue Seattle - Exchange Building 03.jpg
Excursion Boat Virginia V     Virginia V 01.jpg
Fauntleroy Community Church and YMCA Southwest 9260 California Avenue S.W. Seattle - Fauntleroy Church & YMCA 08.jpg
Fir Lodge/Alki Homestead Restaurant Southwest 2727 61st Avenue S.W. Alki Homestead 02.jpg
Fire Station #2 Downtown 2318 4th Avenue Seattle - Fire Station No. 2 - 01.jpg
Fire Station #3 Greater Capitol Hill 301 Terry Avenue Seattle - Engine House No. 3 - 01.jpg
Fire Station #6 Central Area 101 23rd Avenue Seattle - Fire Station No. 6 - 01A.jpg
Fire Station #13 Southeast 3601 Beacon Avenue S. Seattle Fire Station No. 13 - 03.jpg
Fire Station #14 Greater Duwamish 3224 4th Avenue S. Seattle - Fire Station No. 14 02.jpg
Fire Station #16 Northwest 6846 Oswego Place N.E. Seattle - Fire Station No. 16 - 01.jpg
Fire Station #17 Northeast 1010 N.E. 50th Street Seattle - Fire Station No. 17 02.jpg
Fire Station #18 Greater Ballard 5427 Russell Avenue N.W. Ballard firehouse 02.jpg
Fire Station #23 Central Area 722 18th Avenue S. CAMP Firehouse 03.jpg
Fire Station #25 Greater Capitol Hill 1400 Harvard Avenue Seattle - Fire Station 25 - 04.jpg
Fire Station #33 Southeast 10235 62nd Avenue S. Seattle - old Fire Station No. 33 - 03.jpg
Fire Station #37 Southwest 7302 34th Avenue S.W. Seattle - Fire Station No. 37 - 01.jpg
Fire Station #38 Northeast 5503 33rd Avenue N.E. Seattle Fire Station No. 38 - 02.jpg
Fire Station #41 Magnolia/Queen Anne 2416 34th Avenue W. Seattle - Fire Station No. 41 - 02.jpg
Fireboat Duwamish Greater Ballard   Fireboat Duwamish 01.jpg
First African Methodist Episcopal Church Greater Capitol Hill 1522 14th Avenue Seattle - First A.M.E. Church 01.jpg
First Avenue Groups / Waterfront Center Downtown 1001-1123 1st Avenue, 94-96 Spring Street, and 1006-1024 Western Avenue Alexis Hotel 01.jpg
First Church of Christ Scientist Greater Capitol Hill 1519 E. Denny Way Seattle - First Church of Christ Scientist 02.jpg
Fisher-Howell House Lake Union 2819 Franklin Avenue E. Seattle -2819 Franklin E 01.jpg
Fischer Studio Building Downtown 1519 Third Avenue
Seattle - Fischer Studio Building pano.jpg
Fitch/Nutt House Lake Union 4401 Phinney Avenue N. Seattle - 4401 Phinney N 01.jpg
Flatiron Building, auch bekannt als Triangle Hotel and Bar Downtown 551 1st Avenue S.
Seattle - Triangle Hotel and Bar 02.jpg
Ford Assembly Plant Building Lake Union 1155 Valley Street Seattle - old Ford assembly plant 02.jpg
Fort Lawton Chapel Magnolia/Queen Anne 3801 W. Government Way Fort Lawton post chapel 01.jpg
Fourteenth Avenue West Group Magnolia/Queen Anne 2000-2016 14th Avenue W. Seattle - 2014-2016 14th Ave W 01.jpg
Franklin High School Central Area 3013 S. Mt. Baker Boulevard Seattle MLK 2006 07.jpg
Frederick & Nelson Building (nun Nordstrom) Downtown 500-524 Pine Street
Nordstrom flagship store 01.jpg
Fremont Bridge Lake Union 4th Avenue N. und Fremont Avenue N. über den Lake Washington Ship Canal
Fremont Bridge open.jpg
Fremont Hotel Lake Union 3421-3429 Fremont Avenue N. Seattle - Fremont Building 01.jpg
Fremont Library Lake Union 1731 N. 35th Street Seattle Fremont Library 04.jpg
Fremont Trolley Barn / Red Hook Ale Brewery Greater Ballard 3400 Phinney Avenue N. Fremont trolley barn 02.jpg
Galbraith House / Seattle Mental Health Greater Capitol Hill 1729 17th Avenue Seattle - 1729 17th E 01.jpg
Garfield High School Central Area 400 23rd Avenue GarfieldHS.jpg
Gas Works Park Lake Union   Gasworks Park forbidden zone 19.jpg
Gatewood School Southwest 4320 S.W. Myrtle Street
Seattle - Gatewood School 04.jpg
George Washington Memorial Bridge / Aurora Bridge Lake Union Aurora Avenue N. über dem Lake Washington Ship Canal Aurora Bridge from Fremont Bridge.jpg
Georgetown City Hall Greater Duwamish 6202 13th Avenue S. Georgetown WA city hall 03.jpg
Georgetown Steam Plant Greater Duwamish 6511 Ellis Avenue S. Georgetown Steam Plant 01A.jpg
German House (früher Assay Office) Greater Capitol Hill 613 9th Avenue Seattle Assay Office 01.jpg
Gibbs House Magnolia/Queen Anne 1000 Warren Avenue N. Seattle - 1000 Warren Ave N 01.jpg
Golden Gardens Bath House Northwest 8001 Seaview Avenue N.W. Golden Gardens 04.jpg
Good Shepherd Center Northwest 4647 Sunnyside Avenue N. Seattle - Good Shepherd 01.jpg
Great American Food and Beverage Co. Street Clock Lake Union 3119 Eastlake Avenue E.  
Great Northern Building Downtown 1404 4th Avenue Seattle - Great Northern Building 01.jpg
Green Lake Library Northwest 7364 E. Greenlake Drive N. Green Lake Library-1.jpg
Greenwood Jewelers Street Clock Northeast 129 N. 85th Street Greenwood Jewelers Street Clock 01.jpg
Guiry Hotel Downtown 2101-2105 1/2 1st Avenue Seattle 2101 First Avenue 01.jpg
Hainsworth/Gordon House Southwest 2657 37th Avenue S.W. Seattle - 2657 37th Avenue S.W. 04.jpg
Handschy/Kistler House Magnolia/Queen Anne 2433 9th Avenue W. Seattle - 2433 9th W 02.jpg
Harborview Medical Center Downtown 325 Ninth Avenue Seattle - Harborview Hall pano 01.jpg
Harvard Mansion Greater Capitol Hill 2706 Harvard Avenue E. Seattle - 2706 Harvard E 01.jpg
Hat n’ Boots Southwest 6910 E. Marginal Way S. (now moved to Oxbow Park) Seattle Georgetown Oxbow Park 01.jpg
Hay School Magnolia/Queen Anne 2100 4th Avenue N. Seattle John Hay 03.jpg
Hebrew Academy / Old Forest Ridge Convent and Site Greater Capitol Hill 1617 Interlaken Drive E. Seattle Hebrew Academy 01.jpg
Hiawatha Playfield Southwest 2700 California Avenue S.W. Seattle - Hiawatha Playfield 04.jpg
Hillcrest Apartment Building Greater Capitol Hill 1616 E. Howell Street Seattle - Hillcrest Apts 02.jpg
Hoge Building Downtown 705 2nd Avenue Seattle - Hoge Building 04.jpg
Holyoke Building Downtown 107 Spring Street Seattle 1018-1022 First 03.jpg
Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Co. Street Clock Downtown 720 2nd Avenue Seattle - 720 Second Ave 03 - clock.jpg
Horiuchi Mural Magnolia/Queen Anne Seattle Center The Mother Truckers 02.jpg
Hull Building Downtown 2401-2405 1st Avenue Seattle Hull Bldg.jpg
Immaculate Conception Church Central Area 820 18th Avenue
Seattle - Immaculate Conception 05.jpg
Immanuel Lutheran Church Lake Union 1215 Thomas Street Seattle - Immanuel Lutheran 02.jpg
James W. Washington, Jr. Home and Studio Central Area 1816 26th Avenue Seattle - James W. Washington garden and studio 02.jpg
Japanese Language School, auch bekannt als Nihon Go Gakko Central Area 1414 S. Weller Street Seattle - Nihon Go Gakko 01.jpg
Jensen Block Lake Union 601-611 Eastlake Avenue E. Seattle - Jensen Block 01.jpg
Josephinium / New Washington Hotel Downtown 1902 2nd Avenue
Seattle - Josephinium 01.jpg
Joshua Green Building Downtown 1425 4th Avenue Seattle - Joshua Green Building 01.jpg
The Kenney Southwest 7125 Fauntleroy Way SW Seattle - The Kenney 01.jpg
Kinnear Park Magnolia/Queen Anne 988 W. Olympic Place Seattle - Kinnear Park 02.jpg
Kobe Bell Magnolia/Queen Anne Seattle Center Seattle Center - Kobe Bell 03.jpg
Kraus/Andersson House Southeast   Seattle - 2812 Mt. St. Helens Place 02.jpg
Kubota Gardens Southeast 9727 Renton Avenue S. Kubota Garden 04.jpg
L'Amourita Apartment Building Lake Union 2901-2917 Franklin Avenue E. Seattle - L'Amourita 01.jpg
Lacey V. Murrow Bridge und Ostportale der Mount Baker Tunnels Central Area   Seattle - Mt. Baker tunnel 02.jpg
Lake City Library Northeast 12501 28th Avenue N.E. Seattle - Lake City Library 01.jpg
Lake City School Northeast 2611 NE 125th St. Seattle - Lake City School 03.jpg
Lake Union Steam Plant and Hydro House Lake Union 1179 Eastlake Avenue E. Lake Union Steam Plant 07.jpg
Lake Washington Bicycle Path Greater Capitol Hill E. Interlaken Boulevard zwischen Delmar Drive E. und 24th Avenue E. Seattle - Interlaken Bicycle Path 02.jpg
Langston Hughes Cultural Arts Center Central Area 104 17th Avenue S. Seattle Langston 03.jpg
Latona School Lake Union 401 N.E. 42nd Street Seattle - Latona School 01.jpg
Laurelhurst Community Center Northeast 4554 N.E. 41st Street Seattle - Laurelhurst Community Center 01.jpg
Leamington/Pacific Hotel and Apartments Downtown 317 Marion Street Seattle - Pacific Hotel 03.jpg
Leona/Park Ridge Apartments Magnolia/Queen Anne 916 Queen Anne Avenue N. Seattle - 916 QA Ave N 01.jpg
Liggett/Fourth and Pike Building Downtown 1424 Fourth Avenue
Seattle - Fourth & Pike Building 02.jpg
Lightship Relief / Swiftsure     Swiftsure 01.jpg
Lincoln Park/Lincoln Reservoir and Bobby Morris Playfield (jetzt Cal Anderson Park) Greater Capitol Hill 1000 E. Pine Street Seattle - Lincoln Playfield circa 1919.jpg
Lloyd Building Downtown 601 Stewart Street
Log House Museum Building Southwest 3003 61st Avenue S.W. Seattle - Log House Museum 01.jpg
Louisa Building Greater Ballard 5220 20th Avenue N.W. Seattle - Louisa Building 03.jpg
Lyon Building Downtown 607 3rd Avenue Seattle - 607 Third 01.jpg
M.V. Malibu     
M.V. Thea Foss     USSAmber.png
Madison Middle School Southwest 3429 45th Avenue S.W. Seattle - Madison School 02.jpg
Magnolia Library Magnolia/Queen Anne 2801 34th Avenue W. Seattle - Magnolia Library 01.jpg
Mann Building Downtown 1411 3rd Avenue Seattle - Mann Building 01.jpg
Maryland Apartments Greater Capitol Hill 626 13th Avenue E. Seattle - Maryland Apts 03.jpg
McFee/Klockzien House Magnolia/Queen Anne 524 W. Highland Drive Seattle - 524 W. Highland Dr. 01.jpg
McGraw Square/Place Downtown 5th Avenue & Westlake Avenue Old Seattle Times Building 02.jpg
Medical Dental Building Downtown 509 Olive Way Seattle - Medical Dental Building 01.jpg
Metropolitan Printing Press (Brasa Building) Downtown 2107 Third Ave. Seattle - Brasa 02.jpg
MGM Building Downtown 2331 Second Avenue McGraw-Kittenger-Case Building 02.jpg
Montlake Bridge und Montlake Cut Northeast Montlake Boulevard E. zwischen N.E. Pacific Street and E. Shelby Street Seattle - Montlake Bridge open 01.jpg
Montlake Community Center Greater Capitol Hill 1618 E. Calhoun Street Seattle - Montlake Community Center 01.jpg
Moore Mansion Greater Capitol Hill 811 14th Avenue E. Seattle - Moore Mansion 02.jpg
Moore Theatre and Hotel Building Downtown 1932 2nd Avenue Moore Theatre interior 22A.jpg
Mount Baker Presbyterian Church South East 3201 Hunter Boulevard S Seattle - Mount Baker Park Presbyterian 02.jpg
Myron Ogden House Greater Capitol Hill 702 35th Avenue Raymond-Ogden Mansion 02.jpg
N. Queen Anne Dr. Bridge Magnolia/Queen Anne über dem Wolf Creek Canyon Seattle - N. Queen Anne Dr. Bridge 04.jpg
Nathan Eckstein Junior High School Northeast 3003 N.E. 75th Street Eckstein Middle School 01.jpg
Naval Reserve Armory Lake Union 800 Terry Ave. N. South Lake Union Naval Reserve Building 04.jpg
Nelson/Steinbrueck House Lake Union 2622 Franklin Avenue E. Seattle -2622 Franklin E 04.jpg
New Age Christian Church Greater Ballard 1763 N.W. 62nd Street Seattle - Interfaith Community Church 03.jpg
New Pacific Apartment Building Downtown 2600-2604 1st Avenue Seattle - 2600-2604 1st Avenue 02.jpg
New Richmond Laundry Lake Union 224 Pontius Avenue N. Seattle - Alley 24 - 03.jpg
North East Library Northeast 6801 35th Avenue N.E. Seattle - Northeast Library 01.jpg
Norvell House Greater Ballard 3306 N.W. 71st Street Seattle - 3306 NW 71st St 01A.jpg
Old Main Street School Downtown 307 6th Avenue S. Seattle - 307 6th Ave S 02.jpg
Old Norway Hall Lake Union 2015 Boren Avenue Seattle - Old Norway Hall 03.jpg
Olympic Tower (ursprünglich United Shopping Tower) Downtown 217 Pine Street
Seattle - Olympic Tower 01.jpg
Olympic Warehouse and Cold Storage Building, auch bekannt als Agen Warehouse Downtown 1203-1207 Western Avenue
Seattle - 1201 Western Avenue 03.jpg
P. P. Ferry House / Old Deanery of St. Mark’s Cathedral Greater Capitol Hill 1531 10th Avenue E. Seattle - 1531 10th E - 04.jpg
Pacific McKay and Ford McKay Downtown 601-615 Westlake Avenue N. Seattle - Pacific McKay building 03.jpg
Pacific Medical Center/U.S. Marine Hospital Greater Duwamish 1200 12th Avenue S. Seattle-PacMed-2571.JPG
Pacific Science Center Magnolia/Queen Anne 200 2nd Avenue N.
Pantages House Greater Capitol Hill 803 E. Denny Way Seattle - Pantages House 01.jpg
Paramount Theater Building Downtown 901 Pine Street
Paramount Northwest 03.jpg
Parker-Fersen House Greater Capitol Hill 1409 E Prospect Street Seattle - 1409 E Prospect 01.jpg
Parsons House Magnolia/Queen Anne 618 W. Highland Drive Seattle - 618 W. Highland Dr. 01.jpg
Parsons Memorial Garden Magnolia/Queen Anne westlich von 618 W. Highland Drive Seattle - Parsons Gardens 02.jpg
Pier 59 Downtown 1415 Alaskan Way Seattle - Pier 59 - 04.jpg
Providence Hospital 1910 Building Greater Capitol Hill 528 - 17th Avenue Seattle Providence 01.jpg
Queen Anne Boulevard Magnolia/Queen Anne mehrere Straßen am Queen Anne Hill Seattle - Queen Anne Boulevard map.JPG
Queen Anne High School Magnolia/Queen Anne 215 Galer Street Seattle - Queen Anne High lion 02.jpg
Queen Anne Library Magnolia/Queen Anne 400 W. Garfield Street Seattle Public Library Queen Anne Branch 01.jpg
Queen Anne Water Tank #1 Magnolia/Queen Anne 1410 1st Avenue N. Seattle - Engine House No. 8, 1910.jpg
Querio House Southwest 9364 7th Avenue S.[5] Seattle - Querio House 01.jpg
Rainier Club Downtown 810 4th Avenue Rainier Club 01.jpg
Rainier Cold Storage & Ice / Seattle Brewing & Malting Company Building Greater Duwamish 6000-6004 Airport Way S. Seattle Georgetown 03.jpg
Ramsing House Northeast 540 N.E. 80th Street Seattle - Ramsing House 02.jpg
RKO Distributing Company Building Downtown 2312–2316 2nd Avenue
Rohrer House Central Area 122 37th Avenue E.
Roosevelt High School Northeast 1410 N.E. 66th Street Seattle - Roosevelt High 01.jpg
Rosen House Greater Ballard 9017 Loyal Avenue N.W. Seattle - 9017 Loyal Avenue NW 02.jpg
Salmon Bay Bridge Greater Ballard Eisenbahnstrecke über den Lake Washington Ship Canal in Ballard SalmonBayBridge-SeatleUSA.jpg
Samuel Hyde House Greater Capitol Hill 3726 E. Madison Street Seattle - Samuel Hyde House 01.jpg
San Remo Apartment Building Greater Capitol Hill 606 E. Thomas Street Seattle - San Remo Apartments 01.jpg
Satterlee House Southwest 4866 Beach Drive S.W. Seattle - 4866 Beach Dr. SW 04.jpg
Schillestad Building Downtown 2111 1st Avenue Seattle 2105-2111 First Avenue 01.jpg
Schmitz Park Bridge Southwest Admiral Way über Schmitz Park Ravine Seattle - Schmitz Park Bridge 01.jpg
Schooner Wawona     Wawona 01A.jpg
Seaboard Building (früher Northern Bank and Trust Building) Downtown 1506 Westlake Avenue
Seattle - 1500 Fourth 01.jpg
Seattle, Chief of Suquamish Statue Downtown Tillicum Place an der Kreuzung von 5th Avenue, Denny Way und Cedar Street NoahSealth.jpg
Seattle Asian Art Museum at Volunteer Park Greater Capitol Hill 1400 E. Prospect Street SAAM 01A.jpg
Seattle Buddhist Church Central Area 1427 S. Main Street Seattle Buddhist Church 01.jpg
Seattle Center House / früher Seattle Armory (Zeughaus) Magnolia/Queen Anne 305 Harrison Street Festal Irish 2007 - 04.jpg
Seattle Empire Laundry Downtown 2301 Western Avenue / 66 Bell Street Seattle - 66 Bell 01.jpg
Seattle First Baptist Church Greater Capitol Hill 1121 Harvard Avenue
Seattle First Baptist 02A.jpg
Seattle Labor Temple Downtowns 2800 First Avenue Seattle - Labor Temple 01.jpg
Seattle Monorail Magnolia/Queen Anne   SeattleMonorailChokePoint.jpg
Seattle Times Building Lake Union 1120 John Street Seattle Times Building 05.jpg
Seattle Tower Downtown 1212 3rd Avenue Seattle Northern Life 01.jpg
Seattle Yacht Club Greater Capitol Hill 1807 E. Hamlin Street Seattle Yacht Club 01.jpg
Securities Building Downtown 1907 Third Avenue
Seattle - Securities Building lobby 02A.jpg
Seward Park Inn / Seward Park Annex Southeast 5900 Lake Washington Boulevard S. Seattle - Seward Park Inn 01.jpg
Seward School Lake Union 2515 Boylston Avenue E. Seattle - Seward School 01.jpg
Shafer Building / Sixth and Pine Building Downtown 515 Pine Street
Seattle - 523 Pine 02.jpg
Shuey House Northeast 5218 16th Avenue N.E. Seattle - 5218 16th NE 02.jpg
Sigma Kappa Mu Northeast 4510 22nd Avenue N.E. Seattle - Sigma Kappa Mu 02.jpg
Sixth Church of Christ Scientist Southwest 2656 42nd Avenue S.W. Seattle - Sanctuary at Admiral 01.jpg
Smith Tower Downtown 506 2nd Avenue Seattle - Smith Tower - evening 02.jpg
Snagboat W.T. Preston   nun bei Anacortes, Washington an Land WTPreston.jpg
Sorrento Hotel Downtown 900 Madison Street Seattle - Sorrento Hotel 04A.jpg
Space Needle Magnolia/Queen Anne 219 4th Avenue N. Seattle from kerry park.jpg
St. James Cathedral, Rectory and Site Greater Capitol Hill 9th Avenue and Marion Street Seattle - St. James across construction site.jpg
St. Joseph’s Church Greater Capitol Hill 732 18th Avenue Seattle - St. Joseph's 01.jpg
St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Cathedral Greater Capitol Hill 1714 13th Avenue Seattle - St. Nicholas Cathedral 01A.jpg
St. Nicholas/Lakeside School Greater Capitol Hill 1501 10th Avenue E. St Nicholas - Cornish - Gage 01.jpg
St. Spiridon Russian Orthodox Cathedral Lake Union 400 Yale Avenue N. Seattle - St Spiridon 04.jpg
Stevens School Greater Capitol Hill 1242 18th Avenue E. Seattle - Stevens School 01.jpg
Stimson-Green House Greater Capitol Hill 1204 Minor Avenue Stimson-Green porch 01.jpg
Stuart/Balcom House Magnolia/Queen Anne 619 W. Comstock Street Seattle - 619 W Comstock 05.jpg
Summit School/Northwest School Greater Capitol Hill 1415 Summit Avenue Seattle - old Summit School 05.jpg
Supply Laundry Lake Union 1265 Republican Street Seattle - Supply Laundry Company 01.jpg
Terminal Sales Building Downtown 1932 1st Avenue
Seattle - Terminal Sales Building 02.jpg
Terminal Sales Annex Downtown 1931 2nd Avenue
Terminal Sales Annex Building 02.jpg
Thompson/LaTurner House Southeast 3119 S. Day Street Seattle - 3119 S Day 02.jpg
Times Square Building Downtown 414 Olive Way Old Seattle Times Building 01.jpg
Treat House Magnolia/Queen Anne 1 W. Highland Drive Seattle - 1 W Highland Dr 04.jpg
Trinity Parish Episcopal Church Greater Capitol Hill 609 8th Avenue Seattle - Trinity Parish Episcopal Church 04.jpg
Troy Laundry Building Lake Union 311-329 Fairview Avenue N. Seattle - Troy Laundry Building 01.jpg
Tugboat Arthur Foss     Tugboat Arthur Foss 04.jpg
Twenty-Third Avenue Houses Group Central Area 812-828 23rd Avenue
Seattle - 816 23rd 02.jpg
U.S. Immigration Building Downtown 84 Union Street Seattle - 84 Union 02.jpg
University Heights Elementary School Northeast 5031 University Way N.E. Seattle - University Heights School 03.jpg
University Library Northeast 5009 Roosevelt Way N.E. Seattle - U. Dist Library 02.jpg
University Methodist Episcopal Church and Parsonage Northeast 4142 Brooklyn Avenue N.E. Seattle - old University Methodist Episcopal Church 01A.jpg
University Presbyterian Church Northeast 4555 16th Avenue N.E. Seattle - University Presbyterian 01.jpg
Van Vorst Building Lake Union 413-421 Boren Avenue N. Seattle - 415 Boren Ave N 03.jpg
Victorian House Central Area 1414 S. Washington Street Seattle - 1414 S. Washington 03A.jpg
Victorian Row Apartment Building Central Area 1236-1238 S. King Street Seattle - Victorian Row 01.jpg
Villa Costella Magnolia/Queen Anne 384 West Olympic Way
Volunteer Park Conservatory Greater Capitol Hill 1400 E. Galer Street Volunteer Park Conservatory 02.jpg
Wallingford Center / Interlake School Lake Union 4416 Wallingford Avenue N./1815 N. 45th Street Seattle - Wallingford Center 04.jpg
Wallingford Fire and Police Station Lake Union 1629 N. 45th Street Seattle - old Wallingford police station 03.jpg
Ward House Greater Capitol Hill 520 E. Denny Way Seattle - Ward House 04.jpg
Washington Athletic Club Downtown 1325 6th Avenue
Seattle - Washington Athletic Club pano 01.jpg
Washington Hall Center Area 14th Avenue and Fir Street Seattle - Washington Hall 04.jpg
West Earth Co. Street Clock Lake Union 406 Dexter Avenue N. West Earth Co. Street Clock 01A.jpg
West Queen Anne Elementary School Magnolia/Queen Anne 515 W. Galer Street Seattle - West Queen Anne Public School 05.jpg
West Queen Anne Walls Magnolia/Queen Anne 8th Place W. zwischen W. Galer Street und W. Highland Drive Seattle - West Queen Anne Walls 07.jpg
West Seattle High School Southwest 4075 S.W. Stevens Street
West Seattle High 06.jpg
West Seattle Library Greater Duwamish 2306 42nd Avenue S.W. West Seattle Library 01.jpg
Wilsonian Apartments Northeast 4700-4720 University Way N.E.
Seattle - Wilsonian 01.jpg
Windham Apartments Downtown 420 Blanchard Street Seattle - The Windham entrance.jpg
Wintonia Hotel Greater Capitol Hill 1431 Minor Avenue Seattle - Wintonia 01.jpg
Women's University Club Downtown 1105 Sixth Avenue Seattle - Women's University Club 03.jpg
Yesler Houses Central Area 103, 107 und 109 23rd Avenue Seattle - houses at 23rd & Yesler.jpg
YMCA Building Downtown 909 4th Avenue
Seattle YMCA 02.jpg
YWCA Building Downtown 1118 Fifth Avenue


  1. (1) Individual Landmarks, Landmarks and Designation, Department of Neighborhoods, City of Seattle. (2) Table of Historical Landmarks, Seattle Municipal Code
  2. Es wird die Zuordnung des Seattle Department of Neighorhoods angegeben, eine offizielle Gliederung der Stadt in Stadtbezirke gibt es in Seattle nicht. Die keinem Stadtbereich zugeordneten Objekte enthalten in dieser Spalte keinen Eintrag.
  3. Sanjay Bhatt, Surprise: Denny's declared landmark, Seattle Times, 21. Februar 2008, abgerufen am 15. Februar 2011. (Englisch).
  4. Das Bauwerk wurde trotz seines Status als Denkmal abgerissen, weil der Landmarks Preservation Board die finanziellen Nachteile für den Eigentümer bei einer Neubebauung des Grundstücks höher bewertete, falls das Bauwerk erhalten geblieben wäre, als die Notwendigkeit der Erhaltung des Bauwerks aufgrund seines historischen Wertes. Siehe: Stuart Eskenazi, Landmarks Preservation Board gives owner OK to tear down Ballard Denny's, Seattle Times, 22. Mai 2008, abgerufen am 15. Februar 2011. (Englisch).
  5. Eingetragen unter 9326 7th Avenue S.

Siehe auch

 Commons: Landmarks in Seattle – Sammlung von Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien
  • Liste der Denkmäler im National Register of Historic Places im King County (Washington)

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