Liste der Einträge im National Register of Historic Places im Chambers County (Alabama)

Liste der Einträge im National Register of Historic Places im Chambers County (Alabama)

Die Liste der Registered Historic Places im Chambers County in Alabama führt alle Bauwerke und historischen Stätten im Chambers County auf, die in das National Register of Historic Places aufgenommen wurden.

Aktuelle Einträge

Lfd. Nr. Name Bild Datum der Eintragung Adresse/Lage Ort ID-Nr. Beschreibung
1 Chambers County Courthouse Square Historic District LaFayetteAlabama4.JPG 27. März 1980 Roughly bounded by Alabama and 2nd Aves., and 1st St. La Fayette 80000682
2 County Line Baptist Church County Line Baptist Church Dudleyville Alabama.JPG 19. August 1982 E of Dudleyville Dudleyville Vicinity 82002001
3 Ernest McCarty Oliver House Ernest McCarty Oliver House LaFayette Alabama.JPG 21. Januar 1974 LaFayette St. N/US 431 La Fayette 74000402
4 Fairfax Historic District 24. September 1999 Roughly bounded by River Rd., Spring St., Lamer St., Derson St., Combs St., and Cussetta Rd. Valley 99001177
5 Langdale Historic District 12. November 1999 Roughly bounded by 65th St., 20th Ave., 61st, 58th, and 55th Sts., 16th Ave., and Chattahoochie R. Valley 99001299
6 New Hope Rosenwald School New Hope Rosenwald School Fredonia Alabama.JPG 29. November 2001 2.25 mi SE of US 431 on Cty Rd. 267 Fredonia 01001297
7 Riverview Historic District 12. November 1999 Roughly bounded by School and G.I. Sts., Chattahoochee R. and along California St. Valley 99001300
8 Shawmut Historic District 24. September 1999 Roughly bounded by 25th Blvd., 29th Blvd., 20th Ave., 35th St., and 38th Blvd. Valley 99001176
9 Vines Funeral Home and Ambulance Service 15. Oktober 2008 211 B St. SW. La Fayette 08000434

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