Liste der Einträge im National Register of Historic Places im Madison County (Alabama)

Liste der Einträge im National Register of Historic Places im Madison County (Alabama)

Die Liste der Registered Historic Places im Madison County führt alle Bauwerke und historischen Stätten im Madison County in Alabama auf, die in das National Register of Historic Places aufgenommen wurden.

Aktuelle Einträge

Lfd. Nr. Name Bild Datum der Eintragung Adresse/Lage Ort ID-Nr. Beschreibung
1 Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University Historic District Alabama A&M Hill Dec10.jpg 31. Dezember 2001 Chase Rd. Normal 01001407
2 Beckers Block Beckers Block Dec2009 01.jpg 22. September 1980 105-111 N. Jefferson St. Huntsville 80000703
3 Big Spring BigSpring.jpg 22. September 1980 W. Side Sq. Huntsville 80000704
4 Building at 105 N. Washington Street 23. Mai 1984 105 S. Washington St. Huntsville 84000653
5 Building at 305 Jefferson 305 Jefferson St Huntsville Dec2009 01.jpg 15. November 2003 305 Jefferson St. Huntsville 03001134
6 Buildings at 104-128 S. Side Sq. 104-128 South Side Square Huntsville Dec2009 01.jpg 22. September 1980 104--128 S. Side Sq. Huntsville 80004472
7 Butlers' Store 31. August 1992 5498 Main Dr. New Hope 92001089
8 Church of the Visitation Church of the Visitation Huntsville Dec2009 01.jpg 22. September 1980 222 N. Jefferson St. Huntsville 80000705
9 Clemens House Clemens House Huntsville Dec10 02.jpg 16. Oktober 1974 Clinton Ave. at Church St. Huntsville 74000419
10 Dallas Mill 18. September 1978 701 Dallas Ave. Huntsville 78000496
11 David C. Humphreys House 3. August 1977 510 Clinton Ave., W. Huntsville 77000211
12 Domestic Science Building AAMU James H. Wilson Hall Dec10 01.jpg 11. April 1973 Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University campus Normal 73000358
13 Donegan Block Donegan Block July 2010 02.jpg 22. September 1980 105-109 N. Side Sq. Huntsville 80000706
14 Downtown Chevron Station 22. September 1980 300 E. Clinton Ave. Huntsville 80000707
15 Dunnavant's Building Dunnavant's Building Huntsville July 2010 01.jpg 22. September 1980 100 N. Washington St. Huntsville 80000708
16 Episcopal Church of the Nativity Episcopal Church of the Nativity Huntsville.jpg 9. Oktober 1974 212 Eustis St. Huntsville 74000420
17 Everett Building Everett Building Huntsville July 2010 01.jpg 22. September 1980 115-123 N. Washington St. Huntsville 80000709
18 First National Bank First Naitonal Bank Building Huntsville Dec2009 01.jpg 25. Oktober 1974 West Side Sq. Huntsville 74000421
19 Flint River Place 18. Januar 1982 1997 Jordan Rd. Huntsville 82002050
20 Fowler's Department Store Lowe-Kilgore Building Dec2009 01.jpg 30. Mai 1996 116 Washington and 214 Holmes Sts. Huntsville 96000597
21 George Jude House 24. Februar 2000 2132 Winchester Rd. Huntsville 00000139
22 Gurley Historic District 2. Juni 2004 Section Line St., Rialroad St., Maple Blvd. and Church St. bet. Gurley Pike and Jackson St. Gurley 04000562
23 Halsey Grocery Warehouse Halsey Grocery Warehouse Dec2009 01.jpg 22. September 1980 301 N. Jefferson St. Huntsville 80000710
24 Henderson National Bank Henderson National Bank July 2010 02.jpg 22. September 1980 118 S. Jefferson St. Huntsville 80000712
25 Hotel Russel Erskine Hotel Russell Erskine Dec2009 02.jpg 22. September 1980 123 W. Clinton Ave. Huntsville 80000713
26 Hundley House Hundley House July 2010 02.jpg 22. Mai 1978 401 Madison St. Huntsville 78000497
27 Hundley Rental Houses Hundley Rental Houses July 2010.jpg 22. September 1980 108 Gates St. and 400 Franklin St. Huntsville 80000714
28 James H. Bibb House 12. April 1984 11 Allen St. Madison 84000651
29 John Robinson House John Robinson House front.jpg 6. Oktober 1977 2709 Meridian St. N Huntsville 77000212
30 Kelly Brothers and Rowe Building Kelly Bros & Rowe Building Dec2009 01.jpg 22. September 1980 307 N. Jefferson St. Huntsville 80000716
31 Kildare-McCormick House Kildare-McCormick House Dec10 01.jpg 15. Juli 1982 2005 Kildare St. Huntsville 82002051
32 Kress Building Kress Building Huntsville July 2010 02.jpg 22. September 1980 107 S. Washington St. Huntsville 80000717
33 Leech-Hauer House 8. Dezember 1978 502 Governors Dr. Huntsville 78000498
34 Lewter Hardware 26. Juni 1979 222--224 N. Washington St. Huntsville 79003803
35 Lincoln Mill and Mill Village Historic District Lincoln Mill Dec10 01.jpg 26. April 2010 Bounded by Meridian St., Oakwood Ave., Front St., Mountain View Dr., Davidson St., Cottage St, and King Ave. Huntsville 10000200
36 Lincoln School Lincoln School Huntsville Dec10 02.jpg 27. Dezember 1982 1110 N. Meridian St. Huntsville 82001608
37 Lombardo Building Lombardo Building Dec2009 01.jpg 22. September 1980 315 N. Jefferson St. Huntsville 80000718
38 Lowry House Lowry House Huntsville Dec10 01.jpg 29. Oktober 2001 1205 Kildare Ave. Huntsville 01001165
39 Madison Station Historic District Main Street Cafe (Old City Hall), Madison, Alabama.jpg 29. März 2006 Roughly bounded by Wall Triana Hwy., Mill Rd., Church St., Maple St., Martin St., and Bradley St. Madison 06000185
40 Mason Building 22. September 1980 115 E. Clinton Ave. Huntsville 80000719
41 May and Cooney Dry Goods Company May & Cooney Dry Goods Dec2009 01.jpg 22. September 1980 205 E. Side Sq. Huntsville 80000720
42 McCartney-Bone House 16. Dezember 1977 3 mi. NE of Maysville on Hurricane Rd. Maysville 77000213
43 McCrary House 1. Juni 1982 NE of Huntsville Huntsville 82002052
44 Merrimack Mill Village Historic District 16. April 2010 Alpine St., Triana Blvd., Dunn Dr., Cobb Rd., Drake Ave., & Grote St. Huntsville 10000172
45 Milligan Block Milligan Block July 2010 01.jpg 22. September 1980 201-203 E. Side Sq. Huntsville 80000721
46 Monte Sano Railroad Workers' House 14. August 1998 4119 Shelby Ave. Huntsville 98001019
47 Mrs. William Robinson House Mrs. William Robinson House Dec10 02.jpg 4. Februar 1982 401 Quietdale Dr. NE Huntsville 82002054
48 Neutral Buoyancy Space Simulator Neutral Buoyancy Space Simulator.jpg 3. Oktober 1985 George C. Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville 85002807
49 New Market Historic District 31. März 2004 Roughly bounded by Mountain Fork, College St., Davis St., Winchester Rd. to Cochran St., pts. Cochran St. & Cedar St. New Market 04000237
50 New Market Presbyterian Church 25. August 1988 1723 New Market Rd. New Market 88001348
51 New Market United Methodist Church 14. Juni 1990 310 Hurricane Rd. New Market 90000919
52 Newman Building 26. Juni 1979 107--109 E. Holmes Ave. and 201 N. Washington St. Huntsville 79003801
53 Old Stegall Hotel 26. Juni 1979 101-111 N. Washington St. and 117 E. Clinton Ave. Huntsville 79003802
54 Old Town Historic District Temple B'Nai Shalom Dec2009 01.jpg 18. Juli 1978 Roughly bounded by Dement and Lincoln Sts., and Randolph and Walker Aves. Huntsville 78000499
55 Phelps-Jones House 19. Februar 1982 6112 Pulaski Pike Huntsville 82002053
56 Propulsion and Structural Test Facility Propulsion and Structural Test Facility.jpg 3. Oktober 1985 George C. Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville 85002804
57 Rand Building Rand Building Huntsville July 2010 01.jpg 22. September 1980 113 N. Side Sq. Huntsville 80000722
58 Randolph Street Church of Christ Randolph St CoC Dec2009 01.jpg 22. September 1980 210 Randolph Ave. Huntsville 80000723
59 Redstone Test Stand Redstone Test Stand.jpg 13. Mai 1976 George C. Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville 76000341
60 Saturn V Dynamic Test Stand Dynamic Structural Test Facility.jpg 3. Oktober 1985 George C. Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville 85002806
61 Saturn V Space Vehicle Davidson Center-27527-1.jpg 22. November 1978 Tranquility Base Huntsville 78000500
62 Schiffman Building Schiffman Building Dec2009 02.jpg 22. September 1980 231 E. Side Sq. Huntsville 80000724
63 Southern Railway System Depot Huntsville Depot July 2010 03.jpg 10. September 1971 330 Church St. Huntsville 71000101
64 Steele-Fowler House Oak Place 01.jpg 20. Juni 1974 808 Maysville Rd. Huntsville 74000422
65 Steger House 1. Juni 1982 3141 Maysville Rd. Huntsville 82002055
66 Struve Brothers Block 26. Juni 1979 101--105 S. Washington St. Huntsville 79003799
67 Struve Brothers Building 26. Juni 1979 103--105 E. Holmes Ave. Huntsville 79003800
68 Struve-Hay Building Struve-Hay Building Dec2009 02.jpg 22. September 1980 117-123 N. Jefferson St. Huntsville 80000725
69 Terry Hutchens Building Terry Hutchens Building Dec2009 01.jpg 22. September 1980 102 W. Clinton Ave. Huntsville 80000715
70 Times Building Times Building Dec2009 02.jpg 22. September 1980 228 E. Holmes Ave. Huntsville 80000726
71 Twickenham Historic District Weeden House July 2010 01.jpg 4. Januar 1973 Roughly bounded by Clinton Ave., California St., Newman Ave. and S. Green St., and Franklin St. Huntsville 73000357
72 U.S. Courthouse and Post Office US Courthouse and Post Office Huntsville Dec2009 01.jpg 24. Februar 1981 101 E. Holmes Ave. Huntsville 81000129
73 Urguhart House 13. Februar 1992 8042 Pulaski Pike Huntsville 92000034
74 Vaught House 15. Dezember 1981 701 Ward Ave. Huntsville 81000130
75 W. L. Halsey Warehouse Halsey Grocery Dec2009 02.jpg 22. September 1980 300 N. Jefferson St. Huntsville 80000711
76 W. T. Hutchens Building WT Hutchens Building Dec2009 01.jpg 28. Dezember 1983 100-104 S. Jefferson St. Huntsville 83004374
77 Warden's Residence 17. Mai 2010 151 Stone St Triana 10000258
78 White-Turner-Sanford House White-Turner-Sanford House July 2010 01.jpg 12. April 1984 601 Madison St. Huntsville 84000655
79 Whitman-Cobb House 18. Januar 1982 Winchester Rd. New Market 82002057
80 William Burritt Mansion William Burritt Mansion Highsmith 02.jpg 29. Mai 1992 3101 Burritt Dr., SE. Huntsville 92000627
81 William Lanford House 20. Mai 1994 7400 Old Madison Pike Huntsville 94000499
82 William Madison Otey House 19. Januar 1982 S of Meridianville Meridianville 82002056
83 Withers-Chapman House 8. Dezember 1978 2409 Gaboury Lane, NE Huntsville 78000501
84 Yarbrough Hotel Yarbrough Hotel Dec2009 01.jpg 22. September 1980 127-129 N. Washington St. Huntsville 80000727

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