Liste der Einträge im National Register of Historic Places im Marengo County

Liste der Einträge im National Register of Historic Places im Marengo County

Die Liste der Registered Historic Places im Marengo County führt alle Bauwerke und historischen Stätten im Marengo County in Alabama auf, die in das National Register of Historic Places aufgenommen wurden.

Aktuelle Einträge

Lfd. Nr. Name Bild Datum der Eintragung Adresse/Lage Ort ID-Nr. Beschreibung
1 Allen Grove Allen Grove.jpg 7. Juli 1994 Co. Rd. 1, S of Old Spring Hill Old Spring Hill 94000689
2 Altwood Altwood Planatation.jpg 13. Juli 1993 W of Marengo Co. Rd. 51, S of jct. with Co. Rd. 54 Faunsdale 93000598
3 Ashe Cottage Ashe Cottage.jpg 19. Oktober 1978 307 N. Commissioners Ave. Demopolis 78000502
4 Bluff Hall Bluff Hall 01.jpg 28. Juli 1970 405 N. Commissioners Ave. Demopolis 70000105
5 C. S. Golden House C.S. Golden House 02.JPG 31. August 2000 540 Seventh Ave. Thomaston 00001029
6 Cedar Crest Cedar Crest Plantation.jpg 5. August 1993 E. side Marengo Co. Rd. 51, .5 mi. S. of Co. Rd. 54 Faunsdale 93000763
7 Cedar Grove Plantation Cedar Grove Planatation 02.jpg 13. Juli 1993 Marengo Co. Rd. E of jct. with AL 25 Faunsdale 93000599
8 Cedar Haven Cedar Haven Plantation house site.JPG 13. Juli 1993 Marengo Co. Rd. 61 SE of jct. with AL 25 Faunsdale 93000600
9 Confederate Park Confederate Park Demopolis 03.JPG 29. Oktober 1975 Bounded by Main, Capitol, Walnut, and Washington Sts. Demopolis 75000319
10 Cuba Plantation Cuba Plantation entrance gate.JPG 13. Juli 1993 Marengo Co. Rd. 54 W of jct. with AL 25 Faunsdale 93000601
11 Curtis House Curtis House.jpg 11. April 1977 510 N. Main Demopolis 77000214
12 Demopolis Historic Business District Demopolis Historic Business District 06.JPG 25. Oktober 1979 Roughly bounded by Capital and Franklin Sts., Desnanette and Cedar Aves. Demopolis 79000391
13 Demopolis Public School Demopolis Public School.jpg 28. Oktober 1983 601 S. Main Ave. Demopolis 83003453
14 Faunsdale Plantation Faunsdale Plantation 02.jpg 13. Juli 1993 Marengo Co. Rd. 54 just W of jct. with AL 25 Faunsdale 93000602
15 Foscue-Whitfield House Foscue House 02.JPG 21. Januar 1974 W of Demopolis on U.S. 80 Demopolis 74000423
16 Gaineswood Gaineswood 03.jpg 5. Januar 1972 805 S. Cedar St. Demopolis 72000167
17 Glover Mausoleum Glover Mausoleum Marengo Alabama.jpg 21. Januar 1974 Riverside Cemetery Demopolis 74000424
18 Half-Chance Bridge Half-chance bridge.JPG 14. September 1972 SR 39 over the Chickasaw Bogue Creek Dayton 72000166
19 Jefferson Historic District Jefferson Historic District 02.JPG 13. November 1976 AL 28 Jefferson 76000342
20 Lyon-Lamar House Lyon Hall 01.jpg 21. Januar 1974 102 S. Main Ave. Demopolis 74000425
21 Old Courthouse Old Marengo County Courthouse.jpg 18. Januar 1974 300 W. Cahaba Ave. Linden 74000426
22 Patrick Farrish House Patrick Farrish House 02.JPG 31. August 2000 177 East St. Thomaston 00001026
23 Roseland Plantation Roseland Plantation entrance gate.JPG 20. Januar 1994 Co. Rd. 54, about 2 mi. SE of Faunsdale. Faunsdale 93001476
24 Thomaston Central Historic District Thomaston Baptist Church.JPG 14. September 2000 Roughly bounded by Chestnut St., Sixth Ave., Seventh Ave., Short St. and CSX RR. Thomaston 00001023
25 Thomaston Colored Institute Thomaston Colored Institute.jpg 31. August 2000 1120 Seventh Ave. Thomaston 00001024
26 US Post Office Demopolis Post Office.jpg 28. Juli 1984 100 W. Capitol St. Demopolis 84000657
27 White Bluff White Bluff Demopolis.jpg 25. August 1970 Arch St. Demopolis 70000106
28 William Poole House William Poole House.jpg 7. Juli 1994 Jct. of AL 25 and Palmetto Rd. Dayton 94000687

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