Monarch — Mon arch, n. [F. monarque, L. monarcha, fr. Gr. ?, ?; mo nos alone + ? to be first, rule, govern. See {Archi }.] 1. A sole or supreme ruler; a sovereign; the highest ruler; an emperor, king, queen, prince, or chief. [1913 Webster] He who reigns… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Monarch — Sm erw. obs. (16. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus ml. monarcha, dieses aus gr. monárchēs, mónarchos, eigentlich Alleinherrscher , zu gr. árchein herrschen und gr. mónos allein, einzig . Abstraktum: Monarchie; Adjektiv: monarchistisch. Ebenso… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
Monarch — Mon arch, a. Superior to others; pre[ e]minent; supreme; ruling. Monarch savage. Pope. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
monarch — butterfly mon arch but ter*fly, n. (Zo[ o]l.) A very large red and black butterfly ({Danais Plexippus}) having striking orange brown wings with black veins in a reticulated pattern; called also {milkweed butterfly} and {monarch}. Its larvae feed… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
monarch — (n.) mid 15c., from M.Fr. monarque (14c.) or directly from L.L. monarcha, from Gk. monarkhes one who rules alone (see MONARCHY (Cf. monarchy)). As a type of large butterfly, from 1890 … Etymology dictionary
Monarch — Monarch: Die Bezeichnung für »gekrönter ‹Allein›herrscher« (z. B. König oder Kaiser) wurde im 16. Jh. aus mlat. monarcha entlehnt, das aus griech. mónarchos »Alleinherrscher« stammt. Dies ist eine Bildung aus griech. mónos »allein, einzig« (vgl.… … Das Herkunftswörterbuch
monarch — [n] ruler autocrat, crowned head, despot, emperor, empress, king, majesty, potentate, prince, princess, queen, sovereign; concepts 354,422 … New thesaurus
monarch — ► NOUN 1) a sovereign head of state. 2) a large migratory orange and black butterfly. DERIVATIVES monarchic adjective monarchical adjective. ORIGIN from Greek monos alone + arkhein to rule … English terms dictionary
monarch — [män′ərk, män′ärk΄] n. [LME monarcha < LL < Gr monarchēs < monos, alone + archein, to rule: see MONO & ARCH] 1. the single or sole ruler of a state 2. the hereditary (often constitutional) head of a state; king, queen, etc. 3. a person… … English World dictionary
Monarch — For other uses, see Monarch (disambiguation). King redirects here. For other uses, see King (disambiguation). Part of the Politics series on … Wikipedia