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  • NARKISS, BEZALEL — (1926– ), Jewish art historian. Narkiss was born in Jerusalem, the son of mordechai narkiss , director of the Bezalel Art Museum. He studied at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and then taught history for five years at a secondary school in… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • NARKISS, MORDECHAI — (1898–1957), Israel curator and art historian. Narkiss was born in Skala, Poland. In 1920 he settled in Ereẓ Israel, where he continued his studies at the bezalel School, Jerusalem, and became assistant to the director, boris schatz . Narkiss… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Narkiss, Uzi — (1925 97)    Hero of the Six Day War (1967). Born in Jerusalem, he began his military career as a teenager in the Hagana, participating in the 1946 demolition of the bridges across the Jordan River that were used by Arab irregulars. Later, he was …   Historical Dictionary of Israel

  • Uzi Narkiss — (Jerusalem, 6 January 1925 Jerusalem, 17 December 1997), was an Israeli soldier and general, who served as commander of the Israel Defense Forces units in the Central Region during the Six Day War.Narkiss appears in the famous photograph of… …   Wikipedia

  • Uzi Narkiss — Uzi Narkis colonel en 1959, juste avant de partir pour la France pour servir de l attaché militaire israélien Uzi Narkiss (1925 1997), en hébreu עוזי נרקיס, est un officier de Tsahal qui compte parmi les libérateurs de Jérusalem. De parents d… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Mordechai Narkiss — (* 1898 in Skała; † 1957 Jerusalem) war ein israelischer Kunsthistoriker. Narkiss wanderte 1920 nach Palästina ein, wo er auch seinen Namen in Narkiss änderte. Nach Studien an der Bezalel Akademie in Jerusalem nahm er dort eine Tätigkeit auf und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Uzi Narkiss — Uzi Narkis (hebräisch ‏עוזי נרקיס‎; ) (* 6. Januar 1925 in Jerusalem; † 17. Dezember 1997 ebenda) war ein israelischer General. Er diente im Sechstagekrieg als Komm …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS, HEBREW — This entry is arranged according to the following outline: hebrew illumination in hellenistic times character of hebrew manuscript illumination materials and techniques oriental school spanish illumination french school german school italian… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • ART HISTORIANS AND ART CRITICS — The discipline of art history first made its appearance in Germany, in the middle of the 18th century, but it was more than a hundred years before the lowering of the barriers that had excluded Jews from academic careers enabled them to enter… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • CALLIGRAPHY, MODERN HEBREW — Origins The origins of modern Hebrew calligraphy can be found in two ways. One can seek its sources in Hebrew scribal traditions, or one can see it as part of the international revival of calligraphy as an art form, a movement that has grown… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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