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  • Simcha — (pron en| sɪmxa; Hebrew שִׂמְחָה) is a Hebrew word with several meanings. Literally, the word simcha means gladness, or joy. It comes from the root word sameyach, which means glad or happy.The concept of simcha is an important one in Jewish… …   Wikipedia

  • Simcha — m, f Jewish: Hebrew name meaning ‘joy’. It was orignally a female name, but is now more commonly given to males among Ashkenazic Jews …   First names dictionary

  • Simcha Felder — is a member of the New York City Council from Brooklyn. A Democrat, he represents the 44th Council District, which encompasses parts of Borough Park, Midwood and Bensonhurst.One of the Council s 2 Orthodox Jews, Felder has gained popularity among …   Wikipedia

  • Simcha Jacobovici — (pronEng|ˈsɪmxə jəˈkoʊboʊvɪtʃ) is an award winning, controversial documentary film director and producer. An Israeli born Canadian, he holds a B.A. in Philosophy from McGill University and an M.A. in International Relations from the University of …   Wikipedia

  • Simcha Bunem von Przysucha — (* 1765; † 1827 in Przysucha/Polen) war ein chassidischer Zaddik in Polen. Leben und Werk Sein Vater, Rav Zvi, war ein Wanderprediger (Maggid) in Polen und Westeuropa. In seiner Jugend studierte Simcha Bunem in Jeschiwot in Mattersdorf und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Simcha Blass — (or Symcha Blass; November 27, 1897 ndash; July 18, 1982; Hebrew:שמחה בלאס) was an Israeli water engineer, a main figure of water development in Israel, initiator, introducer and developer of new drip irrigation systems, inventor of new dripper… …   Wikipedia

  • Simcha Holtzberg — (sometimes spelled Holzberg), was born in Warsaw, Poland, to Shmuel and Tziporah Holtzberg, on April 18, 1924 and died on February 13, 1994. He was a humanitarian known in Israel as “Father of the wounded soldiers , was an Holocaust survivor who… …   Wikipedia

  • Simcha Bunim Cohen — is an Orthodox Jewish rabbi and author who has written English language halachic works that deal with the intricate laws of Shabbat .BiographyRabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen, the grandson in law of Rabbi Avigdor Miller, is a senior kollel fellow at Beth …   Wikipedia

  • Simcha Weinstein — (1975 ) is an English author and a rabbi. In 2006, his first book Up Up and Oy Vey : How Jewish History, Culture and Values Shaped the Comic Book Superhero was published.BiographySimon Weinstein [Hebrew name Simcha ] was born in Manchester,… …   Wikipedia

  • Simcha Ehrlich — (hebräisch ‏שמחה ארליך‎; * 1915 in Polen; † 19. Juni 1983) war ein israelischer Politiker. Von 1977 bis 1979 war er in der Regierung von Menachem Begin Finanzminister und später auch Landwirtschaftsminister. Leben Ehrlich war Mitglied… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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