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  • CRESQUES, ABRAHAM — (d. 1387), Majorcan cartographer, son of Abraham Vidal and Astrugona. Contrary to what has been assumed in research, his name was Cresques Abraham and not Abraham Cresques. The latter is the name of his father. Hence his son Judah (son of)… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • CRESQUES DE VIVERS — (d. 1391), Spanish astrologer. Cresques, who apparently came from Vivers in southern France, was invited in 1384 by John, the heir apparent to the throne of Aragon, to serve him as astrologer. Cresques arrived in Aragon in 1386. When John became… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Cresques Abraham — Abraham Cresques Abraham Cresques ou, plus exactement Cresques Abraham (Cresques, fils d Abraham) (*v.1325–†v.1387) est un cartographe juif majorquin. On lui attribue la création de l Atlas catalan. Reconstitution de la partie occidentale de l… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Cresques, Abraham — (fl. 14th cent.)    Majorcan cartographer. He was Master of Maps and Compasses to the King of Aragon. In 1375 7 he and his son Judah Cresques made the Catalan Atlas, which was sent as a gift to the king of France. In 1381 they were granted royal… …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Cresques, Judah (Ribes, Jaime) — (fl. 14th 15th cent.)    Majorcan cartographer, son of Abraham Cresques. He made maps for John I and Martin of Aragon. During the anti Jewish outbreaks in Spain in 1391, he converted to Christianity and changed his name to Jaime Ribes. He settled …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Abraham Cresques — A part of the Catalan Atlas by Cresques Abraham and his son Jehuda Cresques Abraham Cresques (died 1387), whose real name was probably Cresques Abraham, was a 14th century Jewish cartographer from Palma, Majorca (then part of the Crown of Aragon) …   Wikipedia

  • Jehuda Cresques — (* um 1350 auf Mallorca; † um 1427 in Sagres), auch Jafuda oder Judah Cresques bzw. Jaume Riba, Jacomé Ribas (lat.: Jacobus Ribus), war ein jüdischer Kartograf der Katalanischen Schule. Er gilt als Lehrer und Mittler zwischen den katalanischen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Jehuda Cresques — (1350? 1427?), also known as Jafudà Cresques , Jaume Riba , and Cresques lo Jeheu ( Cresques the Jew ) was a Catalan cartographer, and probably the man who coordinated the discoveries of the Portuguese naval school at Sagres in the early 15th… …   Wikipedia

  • Abraham Cresques — Teil des Katalanischen Atlas …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Abraham Cresques — Reconstitution de la partie occidentale de l Atlas catalan attribué à Cresque Abraham. Abraham Cresques ou, plus exactement Cresques Abraham (Cresques, fils d Abraham) (*v.1325–†v.1387) est un cartographe juif majorquin. On lui attribue la… …   Wikipédia en Français

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