Act of Union

Act of Union

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  • Act of Union — may be an act that refers to:In the United Kingdom: * Laws in Wales Acts 1535–1542, passed by the Parliament of England, annexing Wales to the Kingdom of England are sometimes known as the Acts of Union . *Act of Union 1652‎, (more commonly known …   Wikipedia

  • Act of Union — Union Un ion (?; 277), n. [F., from L. unio oneness, union, a single large pearl, a kind of onion, fr. unus one. See {One}, and cf. {Onion}, {Unit}.] 1. The act of uniting or joining two or more things into one, or the state of being united or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Act of Union — (1801)    Passed in 1800 by the administration of William Pitt the Younger in reaction to the Irish rebellion of 1798, the Act of Union created a unitary state with a single Parliament on the model of the Scottish union of 1707, from what had… …   Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914

  • Act of Union — (in Britain) either of two Acts of Parliament. The first Act of Union, in 1707, officially joined England and Scotland as one kingdom, called Great Britain, ruled by the parliament in London. The second Act of Union, in 1800, added Ireland to… …   Universalium

  • Act of Union — Act of U|nion, the 1.) the agreement that joined the parliaments of England and Scotland in 1707 2.) the agreement that ended the Irish parliament in 1800 and made Ireland part of the United Kingdom in 1801 …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Act of Union 1800 — The phrase Act of Union 1800 (or sometimes Act of Union 1801) ( ga. Acht an Aontais 1800) is used to describe two complementary Acts [ [ Title=union Year=1800 Number= LegType=All+Legislation… …   Wikipedia

  • Act of Union 1707 — Georgskreuz (England) Andreaskreuz (Schottland) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Act of Union 1840 — The Act of Union (3 4 Vict. c. 35) passed in July 1840 and proclaimed February 10, 1841, abolished the legislatures of Lower Canada and Upper Canada and established a new political entity, the Province of Canada to replace them. This act… …   Wikipedia

  • Act of Union 1800 — Der Act of Union 1800 war die Vereinigung des Königreiches Großbritannien (durch die Act of Union 1707 eine Vereinigung der Königreiche England und Schottland) mit dem Königreich Irland zum Vereinigten Königreich von Großbritannien und Irland auf …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Act of Union 1536 — Die Gesetze zur Eingliederung von Wales 1535–1542, oft auch als Act of Union[1] bezeichnet, bedeuteten keine Vereinigung, sondern die Eingliederung von Wales in den Rechtsraum von England. Wales wurde dabei in dreizehn Grafschaften unterteilt.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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