DBE 9-34 — DBE 9–34 / BNB V 31–43 / kkStB 53 / ČSD 314.0 / ČSD 323.1 / FS 218 Technische Daten … Deutsch Wikipedia
DBE — n Dame Commander of the (Order of the) British Empire a title given in Britain to a woman as an honour because she has done something of national importance. A woman who has a DBE can use the title Dame instead of Mrs, Miss, or Ms. ▪ She was… … Dictionary of contemporary English
DBE 1-8 — DBE 1–8 kkStB 45 ČSD 312.6 Bauart: C n2 Fester Radstand: 3.000 mm Gesamtradstand: 3.000 mm Radstand mit Tender: 10.176 mm Leermasse: 32,0 t Dienstmasse: 36,0 t Reibungsmasse: 36,0 t Höchstgeschwindigkeit: 45 km/h … Deutsch Wikipedia
DBE — abbrev. Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire * * * DBE abbr. Dame Commander of the British Empire. * * * … Universalium
DBE — Abreviatura de dibromuro de etileno. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 … Diccionario médico
DBE — (pronunciamos de be e ) sustantivo masculino 1. Sigla de Diploma Básico de Español , España … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
DBE — ► ABBREVIATION ▪ (in the UK) Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire … English terms dictionary
DBE — abbrev. Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire … English World dictionary
DBE — Ordre de l Empire britannique Endroit et envers de la médaille de MBE (Member of the Order of the British Empire) L’excellentissime ordre de l’Empire britannique (Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) est un ordre de chevalerie du système… … Wikipédia en Français
DBE (disambiguation) — DBE can stand for: Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire, an honour in the United Kingdom Deadboy the Elephantmen, a band Decibels electrical (dBe) Design basis earthquake or design basis event, within a Design basis accident of a… … Wikipedia