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Schlagen Sie auch in anderen Wörterbüchern nach:

  • Epigráph — (lat. Inscriptio), Auf oder Inschrift an einem Gegenstand, einem Haus etc.; auch soviel wie Denkspruch; daher Epigraphik, Inschriftenkunde (s. Inschriften); Epigraphiker oder Epigraph, Inschriftenforscher …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Epigraph — Ep i*graph, n. [Gr. ?, fr. ?: cf. F. [ e]pigraphe. See {Epigram}.] 1. Any inscription set upon a building; especially, one which has to do with the building itself, its founding or dedication. [1913 Webster] 2. (Literature) A citation from some… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Epigraph — Epigraph, Aufschrift an Gebäuden, Münzen u. s. w. B–l …   Damen Conversations Lexikon

  • epigraph — 1620s, inscription on a building, statue, etc., from Gk. epigraphe an inscription, from epigraphein to write on, from epi on (see EPI (Cf. epi )) + graphein to write (see GRAPHY (Cf. graphy)). Sense of motto; short, pithy sentence at the …   Etymology dictionary

  • epigraph — ► NOUN 1) an inscription on a building, statue, or coin. 2) a short quotation or saying introducing a book or chapter. ORIGIN from Greek epigraphein write on …   English terms dictionary

  • epigraph — [ep′ə graf΄] n. [Gr epigraphē, inscription < epigraphein: see EPIGRAM] 1. an inscription on a building, monument, etc. 2. a brief quotation placed at the beginning of a book, chapter, etc …   English World dictionary

  • Epigraph — An epigraph is any one of the following:* an inscription, as studied in the archeological sub discipline of Epigraphy (archaeology) * Epigraph (literature) * Epigraph (mathematics) …   Wikipedia

  • epigraph — UK [ˈepɪˌɡrɑːf] / US [ˈepɪˌɡræf] noun [countable] Word forms epigraph : singular epigraph plural epigraphs a short piece of writing put at the beginning of a book or on a building or statue …   English dictionary

  • epigraph — epigram, epigraph Both words come from the same Greek roots meaning ‘to write (or written) on’. Epigram is slightly earlier (16c) and has two principal meanings in current use, (1) a short poem with a witty or ingenious ending, and (2) a terse or …   Modern English usage

  • Epigraph — antike Inschrift * * * Epi|graph 〈n. 11〉 = Epigraf * * * Epi|graph usw.: ↑ Epigraf usw. * * * Epigraph   [zu griechisch epigráphein »darauf schreiben«, »einritzen«] das, s/ e, antike Inschrift …   Universal-Lexikon

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