

Flexner ist der Familienname folgender Personen:

  • Abraham Flexner (18661959), US-amerikanischer Pädagoge
  • Jennie Maas Flexner (18821944), US-amerikanische Bibliothekarin
  • Simon Flexner (18631946), US-amerikanischer Mediziner

Für das Flexnermassiv, einen Höhenzug bei Aalen, siehe Braunenberg.

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  • Flexner — Flẹxner,   Simon, amerikanischer Pathologe und Bakteriologe, * Louisville (Ky.) 25. 3. 1863, ✝ New York 2. 5. 1946; Professor (ab 1896) in Baltimore (Maryland) und Philadelphia (Pennsylvania); ab 1903 Leiter des Rockefeller Institute (heute… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • FLEXNER, ABRAHAM — (1866–1959), U.S. scholar, and one of America s most creative educators. Flexner, who was born in Louisville, Kentucky, studied classics at Johns Hopkins University, and graduated in 1886. After teaching Latin and Greek at the Louisville High… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Flexner Report — The Flexner Report is a book length study of medical education in the United States and Canada, written by the professional educator Abraham Flexner and published in 1910 under the aegis of the Carnegie Foundation. Many aspects of the present day …   Wikipedia

  • Flexner Report — Medical Education in the United States and Canada , quite possibly the most important written document in the history of American and Canadian medical education. The report is named for Abraham Flexner (1866–1959) who prepared it. Abraham Flexner …   Medical dictionary

  • Flexner, Abraham — born Nov. 13, 1866, Louisville, Ky., U.S. died Sept. 21, 1959, Falls Church, Va. U.S. educator. He taught high school for almost 20 years. When the Carnegie Foundation asked him to evaluate the 155 U.S. and Canadian medical colleges, his report… …   Universalium

  • Flexner, Simon — ▪ American pathologist and bacteriologist born March 25, 1863, Louisville, Ky., U.S. died May 2, 1946, New York, N.Y.       American pathologist and bacteriologist who isolated (1899) a common strain (Shigella dysenteriae) of dysentery bacillus… …   Universalium

  • Flexner, Bernard — (1865–1945)    US social worker and Zionist. A lawyer by profession, Flexner devoted himself to social welfare, labour problems and juvenile courts. He was president of the National Probation Association (1912). Flexner headed the Palestine… …   Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament

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