Fong — can refer to: *the Hong Kong Government Cantonese romanization of the Fang surname. *the Bulu tribe of the Beti Pahuin people of Cameroon … Wikipedia
fong- — fongi , fongo ❖ ♦ Élément de mots savants, tiré du lat. fungus « champignon » … Encyclopédie Universelle
fong — Mot Monosíl·lab Nom masculí … Diccionari Català-Català
Fong — /fawng, fong/, n. Hiram L(eong) /lee awng , ong /, born 1907, U.S. lawyer and senator from Hawaii 1959 77. * * * fonel, fong(e obs. ff. funnel, fang v.1 … Useful english dictionary
Fong — /fawng, fong/, n. Hiram L(eong) /lee awng , ong /, born 1907, U.S. lawyer and senator from Hawaii 1959 77. * * * … Universalium
Fong Sai-yuk (TV series) — Fong Sai yuk (zh cpl|c=少年英雄方世玉|p=Xiao Nian Ying Xiong Fang Shi Yu|l=Young Hero Fong Sai yuk) is a 1999 ATV martial arts comedy series based on the life of Fong Sai yuk. It starred Dicky Cheung as Fong Sai yuk. It was dubbed in both Mandarin and… … Wikipedia
Fong Sai-yuk — (zh cp |c=方世玉 |p=Fāng Shìyù; Yale Cantonese: Fong Sai Yuk) was trained in the martial arts by his mother Miu Tsui fa, daughter of Miu Hin, who according to the legend was one of the Five Elders, who escaped the destruction of the Shaolin… … Wikipedia
Fong Chew Yen — (* 26. November 1981) ist eine malaysische Badmintonspielerin. Karriere Fong Chew Yen gewann in der Saison 2006/2007 Silber bei den malaysischen Einzelmeisterschaften im Damendoppel mit See Phui Leng. Ein Jahr später siegte sie in der gleichen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Fong Sai-yuk (disambiguation) — Fong Sai yuk may refer to:*Fong Sai yuk, Chinese martial art master in Qing Dynasty * Fong Sai yuk (film), 1993 Hong Kong film * Fong Sai yuk II , 1993 Hong Kong film * Fong Sai yuk (TV series), 1999 ATV martial arts comedy … Wikipedia
Fong Jen Arthur — is a Singaporean Member of Parliament for West Coast Group Representation Constituency. Fong became an MP in 2001 and has represented West Coast GRC since. In both the 2001 and 2006 general elections, Fong s party, the PAP, enjoyed a walkover for … Wikipedia