Gelman — es la versión rusa del apellido Helman y puede referirse a: Alexander Gelman (nacido en 1960), director teatral ruso estadounidense. Jacques Gelman (1909–1986), productor de cine mexicano. Juan Gelman (nacido en 1930), poeta argentino. Larry… … Wikipedia Español
Gelman — is a Russianised form of Helman :* Alexander Gelman, see Organic Theater Company * Jacques Gelman (1909–1986), producer of Mexican films * Michael Gelman (born 1961), American executive produceree also* Gellman * Murray Gell Mann … Wikipedia
Gelman — Gelman, Juan … Enciclopedia Universal
Gelman — [ xɛlman], Juan, argentinischer Lyriker, * Buenos Aires 1930; Journalist; lebte 1976 im Exil in Rom; 1977 Mitbegründer des Movimiento Peronista Montonero, von dem er sich 1978 wegen der Terrorpolitik der Montoneros trennte; lebte bis 1988 in… … Universal-Lexikon
GELMAN, JUAN — (1930– ), Argentinean poet. He was born in Buenos Aires into a family of immigrants from the Ukraine. His political involvement with the left since his youth went together with an active critical dissent, which made him break with the Communist… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
GELMAN, MANUEL — (1910–1993), Australian educator. Born in London, Gelman was taken to Australia as an infant. From 1946 to 1964 he was a lecturer in methods of modern languages at Melbourne University s Faculty of Education. From 1950 he headed the department of … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Gelman, Juan — ▪ 2009 born May 3, 1930, Buenos Aires, Arg. At a ceremony in Spain in 2008 during which the Argentine poet Juan Gelman received the Cervantes Prize the highest literary honour in the Spanish speaking world King Juan Carlos praised Gelman s… … Universalium
Gelman, Juan — (1930– ) Argentine poet and journalist. Born in Buenos Aires, the child of Ukrainian immigrants his father participated in the Russian Revolution of 1905 Gelman spent his childhood in the historic porteño neighborhood of Villa Crespo. An early … Historical Dictionary of the “Dirty Wars”
Gelman, Aryeh Leon — (b. 1887) American journalist and Zionist leader. He was born in Russia and went to the US at the age of 23. He was the principal of various Hebrew schools in St Louis, and later served as editor and publisher of the Yiddish St Louis Jewish… … Dictionary of Jewish Biography
Gelman, Juan — ► (n. 1930) Poeta argentino. Obras: El juego en que andamos (1959), Gotán (1962), Cólera buey (1965), Hechos y relaciones (1979), Si tan dulcemente (1980), Anunciaciones (1988), Valer la pena (2002), País que fue será (2004). En 2005 recibió el… … Enciclopedia Universal