Grain Belt
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Grain Belt — The Grain Belt is an informal name for a United States region composed of the prairie region states across the northern Midwest.This region produces a substantial amount of the world s grain and soybeans.The Grain Belt area includes most if not… … Wikipedia
grain belt — a region or area that produces cereal crops The grain belt got very little rain this year. The land is dry … English idioms
Grain Belt (beer) — The landmark Grain Belt sign on Nicollet Island in Minneapolis, Minnesota Grain Belt is a brand of beer brewed in the American state of Minnesota, by the August Schell Brewing Company. The beer has been produced in Three varieties: Grain Belt… … Wikipedia
Belt-System — Mit Belt (dt. Gürtel) wird ein zusammenhängender Raum in den USA bezeichnet, für den eine bestimmte landwirtschaftliche Nutzung oder Betriebsform typisch ist oder der durch typische andere wirtschaftliche, klimatische oder kulturelle Phänomene… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Belt-Regionen — Mit Belt (dt. Gürtel) wird ein zusammenhängender Raum in den USA bezeichnet, für den eine bestimmte landwirtschaftliche Nutzung oder Betriebsform typisch ist oder der durch typische andere wirtschaftliche, klimatische oder kulturelle Phänomene… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Corn Belt — Grain Belt redirects here. For the beer of the same name, see Grain Belt (beer). Production of corn in the United States. The Corn Belt is a region of the Midwestern United States where corn has, since the 1850s, been the predominant crop,… … Wikipedia
grain elevator — elevator (def. 4). [1850 55] * * * Storage building for grain, usually a tall frame, metal, or concrete structure with a compartmented interior; also, the device for loading grain into a building. One common mechanism consists of a hopper, a long … Universalium
Grain elevator — Saskatchewan Wheat Pool No. 7, Thunder Bay, Ontario. A grain elevator is a tower containing a bucket elevator, which scoops up, elevates, and then uses gravity to deposit grain in a silo or other storage facility. In most … Wikipedia
List of belt regions of the United States — The belt regions of the United States originally referred to the growing regions of various crops, but usage has expanded to other climatic, economic and cultural concentrations. The agricultural regions generally follow lines of latitude, hence… … Wikipedia
Corn belt — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Mapa que muestra la localización del Corn Belt El Corn Belt, literalmente el «Cinturón de Maíz», es un gran espacio agrícola del medio Oeste de los Estados Unidos de América. Esta zona comprende los Estados de Iowa,… … Wikipedia Español