Great Vowel Shift

Great Vowel Shift

Als Great Vowel Shift (auch Tudor Vowel Shift) fasst man die Vokalveränderungen der englischen Sprache zusammen, die sich zwischen 1400/1450 und 1700/1750 ereigneten und damit die Phase des Frühneuenglischen umfassen. Meist werden damit nur die Veränderungen der mittelenglisch langen Vokale bezeichnet. In der neuenglischen Schreibung spiegelt sich meist der ursprüngliche Lautstand wider, z. B. // zu // (engl. feel, „fühlen“), // zu // (engl. find, „finden“), // zu // (engl. mouse, „Maus“), // zu // (engl. moon, „Mond“).

Zur Ursache und zum genauen Ablauf des Great Vowel Shifts gibt es mehrere Theorien. Die beiden klassischen Theorien werden als Schubkette und Ziehkette bezeichnet:

  • Schubkette (von Karl Luick formuliert): die mittleren Vokale // und // werden allmählich geschlossener und verdrängen // und //, die zu den Diphthongen // und // werden.
  • Ziehkette (von Otto Jespersen formuliert): die beiden geschlossensten Vokale, // und //, diphthongieren zu // und // und ziehen die beiden mittleren Vokale // und // ersatzweise in die extremeren geschlossenen Positionen

Neuere Theorien sehen die beiden Sichtweisen als vereinfachend an und gehen von mehreren kleineren unabhängigen Lautwandelketten aus.

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  • Great Vowel Shift — n. the complex series of sound developments (c. 1400 to c. 1750) which changed the vowel system of Middle English into that of Modern English: Middle English long high vowels (ē and o͞o) changed to Modern English diphthongs (ī and ou), and long… …   English World dictionary

  • Great Vowel Shift — The Great Vowel Shift was a major change in the pronunciation of the English language that took place in England between 1350 and 1500.[1] The Great Vowel Shift was first studied by Otto Jespersen (1860–1943), a Danish linguist and Anglicist, who …   Wikipedia

  • Great Vowel Shift — Ling. a series of changes in the quality of the long vowels between Middle and Modern English as a result of which all were raised, while the high vowels /ee/ and /ooh/, already at the upper limit, underwent breaking to become the diphthongs /uy/ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Great Vowel Shift — Great′ Vow′el Shift′ n. ling. a series of changes in the quality of the long vowels between Middle and Modern English as a result of which all were raised, while the high vowels (ē) and (oo), already at the upper limit, underwent breaking to… …   From formal English to slang

  • great vowel shift — noun Usage: often capitalized G&V&S Date: 1909 a change in pronunciation of the long vowels of Middle English that began in the 15th century and continued into the 16th century in which the high vowels were diphthongized and the other vowels were …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Great Vowel Shift — Ling. a series of changes in the quality of the long vowels between Middle and Modern English as a result of which all were raised, while the high vowels /ee/ and /ooh/, already at the upper limit, underwent breaking to become the diphthongs /uy/ …   Universalium

  • Great Vowel Shift — noun the, a sound change which altered the pronunciations of the long vowels of English over the centuries covering late Middle English and into early Modern English periods; it is responsible for the difference between the English and… …  

  • Great English Vowel Shift — Great English Vowel Shift, = Great Vowel Shift. (Cf. ↑Great Vowel Shift) …   Useful english dictionary

  • the Great Vowel Shift — a series of changes between medieval and modern English affecting the long vowels of the standard language. → vowel shift …   English new terms dictionary

  • Vowel shift — A vowel shift is a systematic sound change in the pronunciation of the vowel sounds of a language.The best known example in the English language is the Great Vowel Shift, which began in the 15th century.Other examples of ongoing vowel shifts are… …   Wikipedia

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