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  • Gutman — is the surname of: * Dan Gutman, an author from New Jersey * Herbert Gutman, an American labor historian and scholar of slavery. * Nahum Gutman, an Israeli painter, sculptor and author born in what is now Teleneşti, Moldova, then part of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Gutman — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.  Pour les articles homophones, voir Gutmann, Guttman et Guttmann. Patronyme Le nom de Gutman est celui de plusieurs personnalités (par ordre… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Gutman — This venerable surname has three possible origins; firstly, it may be a status name from the Middle English gode meaning good, plus man man, in part from use as a term for the master of a household. In Scotland the term was used of a landowner,… …   Surnames reference

  • GUTMAN, NAHUM — (1898–1980), Israeli painter and sculptor. Gutman was born in Telenshty, Bessarabia. In 1905 the Gutman family immigrated to Ereẓ Israel, settling in Aḥuzat Bayit (on the site of modern Tel Aviv). He began his art studies in 1913 at the Bezalel… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • GUTMAN, ISRAEL — (1923– ), historian of the Holocaust. Gutman was born in Warsaw, Poland. He was a member of the Ha Shomer ha Ẓa ir Zionist youth movement, active in the Jewish underground in the Warsaw ghetto, and fought in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. In the… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • GUTMAN, ALEXANDER B. — GUTMAN, ALEXANDER B. (1902–1973), U.S. physician. Born in New York City, he was educated in the U.S. and Austria. From 1951 he served as director of the department of medicine and physician in chief of New York s Mount Sinai Hospital. On his… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • GUTMAN, CHAIM — ( Der Lebediker / The Lively One ; 1887–1961), Yiddish humorist and theater critic. Born in Petrikov (Belorussia), he immigrated to the U.S. in 1905, where he became successful as a writer of epigrams and sketches for numerous periodicals,… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Gutman, Nahum — (1898 1980)    Prominent Israeli artist. Born in Teleneshty, Bessarabia, he was brought to Palestine at the age of seven by his father, poet and novelist Simha Alter Gutmann (who wrote under the pseudonym Simha Ben Zion). Nahum Gutman studied art …   Historical Dictionary of Israel

  • Gutman — Gụtman,   1) Nahum, israelischer Maler und Schriftsteller, * in Bessarabien 15. 10. 1898, ✝ Tel Aviv 29. 11. 1980; kam 1905 nach Palästina. Er studierte an österreichischen, deutschen und französischen Kunstakademien. Nach seiner Rückkehr fand… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Lev Gutman — Lev Gutman, Leiden 2008 Land Deutschl …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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