

Gutmann ist der Name folgender Personen:

Gutmann bezeichnet weiterhin folgende Unternehmen:

  • Brauerei Gutmann, Titting
  • Bank Gutmann AG (Privatbank aus dem Kahane-Konzern in Wien)
  • Gutmann (Unternehmen), ein metallverarbeitendes Unternehmen mit dem Hauptsitz in Weißenburg in Bayern
  • Gutmann GmbH, ein österreichisches Mineralölunternehmen und Tanksstellenbetreiber

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Schlagen Sie auch in anderen Wörterbüchern nach:

  • Gutmann — may refer to: * Palais Gutmann, a Ringstraßenpalais in ViennaGutmann is a German surname meaning good man and may refer to: * Amy Gutmann, the current president of the University of Pennsylvania * Galit Gutmann, an Israeli actor and fashion model …   Wikipedia

  • Gutmann — Gutmann, Guttmann Nom porté en Alsace Lorraine, formé à partir de l adjectif allemand gut (= bon) et de Mann (= homme). Il désigne un homme bon, aimable (cf. le français Bonhomme), ou encore un homme intègre, un homme d honneur. Variantes :… …   Noms de famille

  • Gutmann — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.  Pour les articles homophones, voir Gutman, Guttman et Guttmann. Le nom de Gutmann est celui de plusieurs personnalités (par ordre… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Gutmann (Unternehmen) — Gutmann AG Rechtsform Aktiengesellschaft Gründung 1937 Sitz …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • GUTMANN, JOSHUA — (1890–1963), scholar of Jewish Hellenism. Born in Belorussia, Gutmann studied with chaim tchernowitz (Rav Ẓa ir) in Odessa at the Slobodka Yeshivah, at Baron Guenzburg s Institute of Oriental (i.e., Jewish) Studies, and at the universities of St …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • GUTMANN, AMY — (1949– ), political philosopher and educator. Gutmann was born in Brooklyn, New York, and earned her bachelor s degree from Harvard University (Radcliffe College, 1971), her master s degree from the London School of Economics and Political… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • GUTMANN, EUGEN — (1840–1925), German banker. Born in Dresden, the son of an old established banking family, Gutmann, together with several partners, took over the banking house of Michael kaskel and formed the Dresdner Bank. After initial difficulties a branch… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • GUTMANN, WILHELM, RITTER VON — (1825–1895), Austrian industrialist and philanthropist. Born in Lipnik (Leipnik, Moravia) and a pupil of the yeshivah there, he began his career as a commission agent in the coal business. Subsequently, in partnership with his brother DAVID… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • GUTMANN, DAVID MEIR — (1827–1894), Ereẓ Israel pioneer. Born in Hungary in 1827, Gutmann fought in the Hungarian War of Independence in 1848, but was disillusioned by the Hungarian attitude toward Jews. In 1876 he sold his property and settled with his wife in Ereẓ… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • GUTMANN, JOSEPH — (1923–2004), U.S. art historian. Gutmann, who was born in Wuerzburg, Germany, immigrated to Philadelphia with his parents in 1936 after the rise of the Nazis. He served in the army as a chaplain and interpreter from 1943 to 1946. Gutmann earned a …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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