Allan R. Bomhard

Allan R. Bomhard

Allan R. Bomhard (* 1943 in Brooklyn, New York) ist ein US-amerikanischer Linguist. Er studierte an der Fairleigh Dickinson University (Hunter College) und der City University of New York. Sein Arbeitsschwerpunkt als Sprachwissenschaftler ist die Indogermanistik und die Untersuchung der nostratischen und eurasiatischen Makrofamilie.




  • Allan R. Bomhard
    • 1984: Toward Proto-Nostratic: A New Approach to the Comparison of Proto-Indo-European and Proto-Afroasiatic. (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, vol. 27.) Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 356 pp.
    • 1996: Indo-European and the Nostratic Hypothesis. Charleston, SC: SIGNUM Desktop Publishing. 265 pp.
    • 2008: Reconstructing Proto-Nostratic: Comparative Phonology, Morphology, and Vocabulary. Leiden and Boston, MA: E. J. Brill. 2 vols. 1,820 pp.
  • Yoël L. Arbeitman and Allan R. Bomhard (eds.)
    • 1981: Bono Homini Donum: Essays in Historical Linguistics in Memory of J. Alexander Kerns. (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, vol. 16, parts I and II.) Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 1,076 pp.
  • Allan R. Bomhard and John C. Kerns
    • 1994: The Nostratic Macrofamily: A Study in Distant Linguistic Relationship. Berlin, New York, NY, and Amsterdam: Mouton de Gruyter. 932 pp.
  • J. Peter Maher, Allan R. Bomhard, and Konrad Koerner (eds.)
    • 1982: Papers from the 3rd International Conference on Historical Linguistics. (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, vol. 13.) Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 434 pp.


  • 1973:Some Anatolian Etymologies”. Revue Hittite et Asianique XXXI:111113.
  • 1975:An Outline of the Historical Phonology of Indo-European”. Orbis XXIV/2:354390.
  • 1976:The Placing of the Anatolian Languages”. Orbis XXV/2:199239.
  • 1977:The Indo-European/Semitic Hypothesis Re-examined”. Journal of Indo-European Studies 5/1:5599.
  • 1979a:The Indo-European Phonological System: New Thoughts about its Reconstruction and Development”. Orbis XXVIII/1:66110.
  • 1979b:Typological Studies and the Identification of the Indo-European Laryngeals”. Studies in Diachronic, Synchronic and Typological Linguistics: Festschrift for Oswald Szemerényi, ed. by Bela Brogyanyí, part I, pp. 127137. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • 1981a:Implications of 'Rhotacism in Hieroglyphic Luwian’.” Bono Homini Donum: Essays in Historical Linguistics in Memory of J. Alexander Kerns, ed. by Yoël L. Arbeitman and Allan R. Bomhard, part I, p. 29. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • 1981b:Indo-European and Afroasiatic: New Evidence for the Connection”. Bono Homini Donum: Essays in Historical Linguistics in Memory of J. Alexander Kerns, ed. by Yoël L. Arbeitman and Allan R. Bomhard, part II, pp. 351474. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • 1981c:A New Look at Indo-European”. Journal of Indo-European Studies 9.3/4:332337.
  • 1981d:Speculations on the Prehistoric Development of the Indo-European Vowel System”. General Linguistics 21/3:164193.
  • 1982: Review of Kenneth Shields, Jr., Indo-European Noun Inflection: A Developmental History. General Linguistics 22/4:269272.
  • 1984: Review of Kenneth Shields, Jr., Indo-European Noun Inflection: A Developmental History. Diachronica I/1:137141 (expanded version of Bomhard 1982).
  • 1986a:The Aspirated Stops of Proto-Indo-European”. Diachronica III/1:6780.
  • 1986b: Review of Vitalij V. Shevoroshkin and Thomas L. Markey, eds., Typology, Relationship, and Time. Diachronica III/2:269282. (A revised version of this review appeared in Mother Tongue, issue 10, April 1990.)
  • 1986c:An Etymological Note: PIE *Hs-ter- 'star’.” Journal of Indo-European Studies 14.1/2:191192.
  • 1986d:Common Indo-European/Afroasiatic Roots: Supplement 1”. General Linguistics 26/4:225257.
  • 1988a:Recent Trends in the Reconstruction of the Proto-Indo-European Consonant System”. Historische Sprachforschung (formerly KZ) 101:225.
  • 1988b:The Reconstruction of the Proto-Semitic Consonant System”. FUCUS: A Semitic/Afrasian Gathering in Remembrance of Albert Ehrman, ed. by Yoël L. Arbeitman, pp. 113140. Amsterdam and Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins.
  • 1988c:The Prehistoric Development of the Athematic Verbal Endings in Proto-Indo-European”. A Linguistic Happening in Memory of Benjamin Schwartz: Studies in Anatolian, Italic, and Other Indo-European Languages, ed. by Yoël L. Arbeitman, pp. 475488. Louvain: Peeters.
  • 1988d:Современные направления реконструкции праиндоевропейского консонантизма [Recent Trends in the Reconstruction of the Proto-Indo-European Consonant System]”. Вопросы Языкознания (Linguistic Inquiries) 1988/2:522. (Russian version of 1988a.)
  • 1988e:Реконструкция прасемитской системы согласных [The Reconstruction of the Proto-Semitic Consonant System]”. Вопросы Языкознания (Linguistic Inquiries) 1988/5:5065. (Russian version of 1988b.)
  • 1989:Очерк сравнительной фонологии так называемых 'ностратическихяазыков [A Survey of the Comparative Phonology of the So-Called 'NostraticLanguages]”. Вопросы Языкознания (Linguistic Inquiries) 1989/3:3350. (Russian version of 1990.)
  • 1990:A Survey of the Comparative Phonology of the So-Called 'Nostratic Languages’.” Linguistic Change and Reconstruction Methodology, ed. by Philip Baldi, pp. 331358. The Hague, Paris, and New York, NY: Mouton.
  • 1991:Lexical Parallels between Proto-Indo-European and Other Languages”. Studia Etymologica Indoeuropaea: Memoriae A. J. Van Windekens (19151989) Dicata, ed. by L. Isebaërt, pp. 47106. Leuven: Peeters.
  • 1992a:Distant Linguistic Comparison and the Nostratic Hypothesis”. FAIES Newsletter II/1 (March 1992).
  • 1992b:The Nostratic Macrofamily (with Special Reference to Indo-European) ”. Word 43/1:6183.
  • 1992c:Придыхательные смычные в праиндоевропейском [The Aspirated Stops of Proto-Indo-European]”. Вопросы Языкознания (Linguistic Inquiries) 1992/2:4858. (Russian version of 1986a.)
  • 1992d: “'Закон Стертевантав хеттском: реинтерпретацня [Sturtevants Law in Hittite: A Reassessment]”. Вопросы Языкознания (Linguistic Inquiries) 1992/4:511.
  • 1993a:Развитие личных показателей атематических глаголов в праиндо-европейском [The Prehistoric Development of the Athematic Verbal Endings in Proto-Indo-European]”. Вопросы Языкознания (Linguistic Inquiries) 1993/2:4249. (Russian version of 1988c.)
  • 1993b:Linguistic Methodology and Distant Linguistic Comparison”. Mother Tongue 20:14.
  • 1994:Comments on Colarussos Paper 'Phyletic Links between Proto-Indo-European and Proto-Northwest Caucasian’.” Mother Tongue 22:110.
  • 1995:Some Nostratic Etymologies: Supplement I”. Orbis XXXVIII/2:157.
  • 1996:The Root in Indo-European and Afroasiatic”. Studies in Near Eastern Languages and Literatures: Memorial Volume of Karel Petráček, ed. by Petr Zemánek, pp. 161170. Prague: Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Oriental Institute.
  • 1997a: Review of Saul Levin, Semitic and Indo-European: The Principal Etymologies. Diachronica XIV/1:131136.
  • 1997b:On the Origin of Sumerian”. Mother Tongue III:7592.
  • 1998:Nostratic, Eurasiatic, and Indo-European”. Nostratic: Sifting the Evidence, ed. by Brian D. Joseph and Joseph C. Salmons, pp. 1749. Amsterdam and Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins.
  • 1999: Review of Aaron Dolgopolsky, The Nostratic Macrofamily and Linguistic Palaeontology. Nostratic: Examining a Linguistic Macrofamily, ed. by Colin Renfrew and Daniel Nettle, pp. 4774. Cambridge: The McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research.
  • 2000a:Sturtevants Law in Hittite: A Reassessment”. Studies on the Pre-Greek Languages in Memory of Charles Carter, ed. by Yoël L. Arbeitman, pp. 3546. Leuven and Paris: Peeters. (Revised and expanded version of 1992d.)
  • 2000b:Next of Kin: The Search for Relatives of Indo-European”. Festschrift for Konrad Koerner, ed. by Sheila Embleton, John E. Joseph, and Hans-Josef Niederehe, pp. 397404. Amsterdam and Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins.
  • 2002a:Reflections on Greenbergs Indo-European and its Closest Relatives”. Mother Tongue VII:85114.
  • 2002b:Etruscan, Indo-European, and Nostratic”. The Linguists Linguist: A Collection of Papers in Honour of Alexis Manaster Ramer, ed. by Fabrice Cavoto. 2 vols. München: Lincom Europa.
  • 2004a:Preliminary Thoughts on Nostratic Morphology.” Nostratic Centennial Conference: The Pécs Papers, ed. by Irén Hegedűs and Paul Sidwell, pp. 2750. Pécs: Lingua Franca Group.
  • 2004b:Indo-European *men- and *tel-“. Studies in Baltic and Indo-European Linguistics in Honor of William R. Schmalstieg, ed. by Philip Baldi and Pietro U. Dini, pp. 3336. Amsterdam and Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins.
  • 2004c:The Proto-Indo-European Laryngeals“. Per Aspera ad Asteriscos. Studia Indogermanica in honorem Jens Elmegård Rasmussen sexagenarii Idibus Martiis anno MMIV, ed. by Adam Hyllested, Anders Richardt Jørgensen, Jenny Helena Larsson, and Thomas Olander, pp. 6979. Innsbruck: Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft.
  • 2005: Review of Winfred P. Lehmann, Pre-Indo-European. Mother Tongue X:145150.
  • 2006:Do All Languages Come from the Same Source?“. The Five-Minute Linguist, ed. by E. M. Rickerson and Barry Hilton. London: Equinox Books.


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