Huỳnh Tấn Phát — (* 1913 bei Mỹ Tho; † 30. September 1989 in Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh (Hồ Chí Minh Stadt)) war der einzige südvietnamesische Präsident zwischen kommunistischer Machtübernahme und Wiedervereinigung. Seit den 1930er Jahren im Freiheitskampf engagiert,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Huỳnh Tấn Phát — (1913 near Mỹ Tho ndash; September 30, 1989 in Ho Chi Minh City) was a South Vietnamese politician and revolutionary. He joined the Communist Party of Vietnam in 1945. He became chairman of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic … Wikipedia
Huynh Tan Phat — ▪ Vietnamese leader born 1913, near My Tho, Vietnam died Sept. 30, 1989, Ho Chi Minh City one of the leading theoreticians of the National Liberation Front (NLF), the Vietnamese guerrilla organization formed in 1960 to oppose the U.S.… … Universalium
Huynh — Huỳnh oder Huynh ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Carol Huynh (* 1980), kanadische Ringerin Quang Nhuong Huynh (1946–2001), vietnamesischer Autor sowie von Huỳnh Quang Thanh (* 1984), vietnamesischer Fußballspieler Huỳnh Tấn Phát… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Phat — The term Phat may refer to:*An adjective used in pop culture to express approval. Hence, someone or something that is phat could be entertaining , intelligent , attractive or otherwise to be admired. When the word first surfaced in the 1960s, men … Wikipedia
Chung Tan Cang — Admiral Chung Tấn Cang (22 July 1926, Gia Dinh 24 January 2007, Bakersfield, California) was the commander of the Republic of Vietnam Navy from 1963 to 1965. He took over in 1963 after Captain Ho Tan Quyen, a loyalist of President Ngo Dinh Diem… … Wikipedia
Хюинь Тан Фат — (Huynh Tan Phat) (р. 1913, Митхо), вьетнамский политический и государственный деятель. Окончил Ханойский университет. По профессии архитектор. Со студенческих лет включился в антиколониальное демократическое движение. Активный участник… … Большая советская энциклопедия
ХЮИНЬ ТАН ФАТ — (Huynh Tan Phat) (p. 1913) деятель нац. освободит. движения вьетнамского народа. Род. в г. Митхо (Юж. Вьетнам). Окончил Ханойский ун т. По профессии архитектор. Со студенческих лет включился в антиколониальное демократич. движение. Был редактором … Советская историческая энциклопедия
Duong Van Minh — In this Vietnamese name, the family name is Duong. According to Vietnamese custom, this person should properly be referred to by the given name Minh. Dương Văn Minh President of the Republic of Vietnam In office 28 April 1975 – 30 April 1975 … Wikipedia
Nguyen Khanh — In this Vietnamese name, the family name is Nguyễn, but is often simplified to Nguyen in English language text. According to Vietnamese custom, this person should properly be referred to by the given name Khánh. Nguyễn Khánh … Wikipedia