

Immelmann hat mehrere Bedeutungen:

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  • Immelmann — Immelmann, not infrequently also spelled immelman may refer to:* Max Immelmann, a German flying ace from World War I ** The Immelmann turn, an aerial maneuver developed by Max Immelmann *** The Immelmann loop, a roller coaster feature derived… …   Wikipedia

  • immelmann — [ imɛlman ] n. m. • 1917 en angl.; de Immelmann, pilote de chasse allemand ♦ Aéronaut. Figure de voltige aérienne constituée d un demi looping suivi d un demi tonneau. Faire des immelmanns. ● immelmann nom masculin (de Immelmann, nom propre)… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Immelmann — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Max Immelmann est un célèbre pilote allemand de la Première Guerre mondiale ; L immelmann est une figure de voltige aérienne inventée par Max… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Immelmann — I. noun Etymology: Max Immelmann Date: 1917 a maneuver in which an airplane reverses direction by executing half of a loop upwards followed by half of a roll called also Immelmann turn II. biographical name Max 1890 1916 German aviator …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Immelmann — /im euhl mahn , meuhn/, n. a maneuver in which an airplane makes a half loop, then resumes its normal, level position by making a half roll: used to gain altitude while turning to fly in the opposite direction. Also called Immelmann turn. [1915… …   Universalium

  • Immelmann — [ ɪm(ə)lmən] (also Immelmann turn) noun an aerobatic manoeuvre consisting of a half loop followed by a half roll. Origin early 20th cent.: named after the German fighter pilot Max Immelmann …   English new terms dictionary

  • immelmann — ˈiməlmən, lˌmän intransitive verb ( ed/ ing/ s) Usage: often capitalized Etymology: Immelmann (turn) : to execute an Immelmann turn …   Useful english dictionary

  • Immelmann — noun An Immelmann turn …   Wiktionary

  • Immelmann — Im•mel•mann [[t]ˈɪm əlˌmɑn, mən[/t]] n. aer. a maneuver in which an airplane makes a half loop followed by a half roll: used to gain altitude while reversing the direction of flight • Etymology: 1915–20; after Max Immelmann (1890 1916), German… …   From formal English to slang

  • Immelmann-Kaserne — Immelmann hat mehrere Bedeutungen: Klaus Immelmann (1935–1987) deutscher Verhaltensforscher Max Immelmann (1890–1916) deutscher Jagdflieger im Ersten Weltkrieg, Namensgeber der Immelmann Kaserne in Celle, Niedersachsen Max Immelmann Kaserne in… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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