KOLLWITZ (K.) — KOLLWITZ KÄTHE SCHMIDT (1867 1945) Une des artistes les plus représentatives de l’expressionnisme allemand par la violence dramatique des thèmes qu’elle traite dans un style puissant, avec une sincérité passionnée. Née à Königsberg dans un milieu … Encyclopédie Universelle
Kollwitz — (izg. kȍlvic), Käthe (1867 1945) DEFINICIJA njemačka ekspresionistička grafičarka, slikarica i kiparica; zaokupljale su je teme bijede, rata, patnje, majčinstva, osuđivala društvenu nejednakost; predaje, kao prva žena, na berlinskoj Likovnoj… … Hrvatski jezični portal
Kollwitz — [kôl′vits΄] Käthe [kā′tə] (born Käthe Schmidt) 1867 1945; Ger. painter, etcher, & lithographer … English World dictionary
Kollwitz — Kọllwitz, Käthe, geborene Schmịdt, Grafikerin und Bildhauerin, * Königsberg (heute Kaliningrad) 8. 7. 1867, ✝ Moritzburg (Landkreis Meißen) 22. 4. 1945; ausgebildet u. a. bei K. Stauffer Bern, der ihren frühen Radierstil maßgeblich… … Universal-Lexikon
Kollwitz, Käthe — Koll·witz (kōlʹwĭts , kôlʹvĭts ), Käthe or Kaethe 1867 1945. German artist whose sculptures and prints, including The Living to the Dead (1919), express her abhorrence of war and poverty. * * * orig. Käthe Schmidt born July 8, 1867, Königsberg,… … Universalium
Köllwitz, Käthe — nee Schmidt (1867 1945) sculptor and graphic artist; her empathetic work made her one of the century s best known women* artists. Born in Konigsberg, she was inspired by a socialist Christian upbringing. She moved to Berlin* in 1885 to study… … Historical dictionary of Weimar Republik
Kollwitz, Käthe — orig. Käthe Schmidt (8 jul. 1867, Konigsberg, Prusia oriental–22 abr. 1945, cerca de Dresde, Alemania). Artista gráfica y escultora alemana. Estudió pintura en Berlín y Munich, pero se dedicó principalmente a las aguafuertes, los dibujos, las… … Enciclopedia Universal
Kollwitz, Kathe Schmidt — (7/8/1867 4/22/1945) (Germany) Influential German Expressionist painter, print maker, and sculptor. She trained under Rudolf Mauer for engraving, under Karl Stauffer Bern and Ludwig Herterich for painting and drawing. Her work addressed a wide … Dictionary of erotic artists: painters, sculptors, printmakers, graphic designers and illustrators
Kollwitz — biographical name Käthe 1867 1945 née Schmidt German artist … New Collegiate Dictionary
Kollwitz — /kawl vits/, n. Käthe /ke teuh/, 1867 1945, German graphic artist and sculptor. * * * … Universalium