De Landa alphabet — Reproduction of the page from Diego de Landa s Relación de las cosas de Yucatán, which gives a purported correspondence between letters of the Spanish alphabet and Maya glyphs, and which has become known as the de Landa alphabet The de Landa… … Wikipedia
Landa — ist der Name folgender Personen: Agustín Landa Verdugo (* 1923), mexikanischer Architekt Daniel Landa (* 1968), tschechischer Sänger, Schauspieler und Rennfahrer Diego de Landa (1524–1579), Bischof von Yucatán Eduard Landa (* 1926), tschechischer … Deutsch Wikipedia
alphabet — /al feuh bet , bit/, n. 1. the letters of a language in their customary order. 2. any system of characters or signs with which a language is written: the Greek alphabet. 3. any such system for representing the sounds of a language: the phonetic… … Universalium
Landa, Diego de — ▪ Spanish priest born 1524?, Cifuentes, Spain died 1579, Yucatán, Mexico Spanish Franciscan priest and bishop of Yucatán who is best known for his classic account of Mayan (Maya) culture. Landa was born to a noble family and when… … Universalium
Laṇḍā — The Unicode|Laṇḍā script (Gurmukhi: ਲੰਡਾ), meaning an alphabet without tail , is a Punjabi word used to refer to scripts in Northern India that do not use vowel signs. This is distinct from Lahnda which refers to Western Punjabi.There are at… … Wikipedia
Diego de Landa — Diego de Landa, Bishop of Yucatán Diego de Landa Calderón (12 November 1524–1579) was a Spanish Bishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Yucatán. He left future generations with a mixed legacy in his writings, which contain much valuable… … Wikipedia
Alfabeto de Landa — Reproducción de la página del manuscrito de Diego de Landa Relación de las cosas de Yucatán, que da una pretendida correspondencia entre las letras del alfabeto español y los jeroglíficos mayas y que ha llegado a ser conocido como el Alfabeto de… … Wikipedia Español
Diego de Landa — (* 12. November 1524; † 1579) war Bischof von Yucatán und missionierte die indigenen Maya Völker mit Mitteln der Inquisition zum katholischen Christentum. Bekannt ist er dafür, dass er alle greifbaren Manuskripte in der Maya Schrift und damit… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Diego de Landa — Diego de Landa, Evêque du Yucatán Frère Diego de Landa, ou Fray Diego de Landa Calderón en espagnol, est un moine franciscain (né le 12 novembre 1524, mort en 1579), connu pour être le premier et l un des meilleurs chroniqueurs du monde Maya.… … Wikipédia en Français
Gurmukhi alphabet — writing system developed by the Sikhs in India for their sacred literature. It seems to have been modified from the Landa script, which is used to write the Punjabi, Lahnda, and Sindhi languages. Landa, Gurmukhi, and two other scripts used… … Universalium