Moberg — may refer to: 7360 Moberg, asteroid Moberg (surname) See also Morris Moe Berg (1902–1972), American baseball player and spy This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an … Wikipedia
Moberg — [ muːbærj], Carl Artur Vilhelm, schwedischer Schriftsteller, * Algutsboda (heute Emmaboda, Verwaltungsbezirk Kalmar) 20. 8. 1898, ✝ Väddö (Verwaltungsbezirk Stockholm) 8. 8. 1973; schildert in seinen realistischen Romanen in kraftvoller Sprache … Universal-Lexikon
Moberg (surname) — Moberg is a surname. Those bearing it include: This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it. Osvald Moppe Moberg (1888–1933), Swedish gymnast Ida Georgina Moberg (1859 1947), Finnish musician Karl Artur Vilhelm Moberg (1898–1973),… … Wikipedia
Moberg, Vilhelm — (1898 1973) A Swedish novelist and dramatist, Moberg hailed from the district of Smaland, the folk culture of which he memorialized, however critically, in his first novel, Raskens (1927; The Rask Family). He was one of several writers from… … Historical Dictionary of Scandinavian Literature and Theater
Moberg, Vilhelm — ▪ Swedish author born Aug. 20, 1898, Algutsboda, Swed. died Aug. 8, 1973, Väddö Swedish novelist and dramatist, best known for his novels of the Swedish emigration to America but concerned primarily with the people of the countryside from… … Universalium
МУ́БЕРГ (Moberg) Вильхельм — (Moberg) Вильхельм (1898–1973), швед. писатель. В автобиогр. трил. Кнут Туринг (1935–39) один из гл. мотивов – возврат горожан к земле как источнику личной свободы; романы о швед. крестьянах; ист. ром. Ночной гонец (1941),… … Биографический словарь
Moberg arthrodesis — fusion of a finger joint with a small squared bone peg … Medical dictionary
Vilhelm Moberg — Vilhelm Moberg, 1967. Nom de naissance Karl Artur Vilhelm Moberg Activités écrivain, journaliste … Wikipédia en Français
Vilhelm Moberg — (August 20, 1898 August 8, 1973) was a Swedish author and historian, best known for his series of four novels, The Emigrants .Early lifeMoberg was born in Småland, in southern Sweden of peasant and soldier stock. He had six siblings, though only… … Wikipedia
Vilhelm Moberg — Vilhelm Moberg, 1967. Vilhelm Moberg (* 20. August 1898 in Moshultamåla, Småland; † 8. August 1973 in Grisslehamn) war ein schwedischer Schriftsteller. Inhaltsverzeichnis … Deutsch Wikipedia