NADAB — (Heb. נָדָב; (God) has been generous ), eldest son of aaron and Elisheba daughter of Amminadab (Ex. 6:23; Num. 3:2, et al.). For details see abihu . (The two are always mentioned together and what applies to Abihu is also true of Nadab.) Nadab… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Nadab — may refer to: Nadab (son of Aaron), Biblical figure, eldest son of Aaron the High Priest of Israel Nadab of Israel (reigned c. 901 900 BCE), king of the northern Kingdom of Israel Nădab (Hungarian: Nadab), a village administered by Chişineu Criş… … Wikipedia
Nadab — Nadab. Segundo rey de Israel. En hebreo (נדב) transliterado ndb Su historia está recogida en el Primer Libro de los Reyes 15:25 31.[1] Gobernó en Israel, a la muerte de su padre Jeroboam, entre los años 910 a 909 a.C un periodo de casi dos años … Wikipedia Español
NADAB — (Heb. נָדָב), son of Jeroboam whom he succeeded on the throne of Israel (907–906 B.C.E.). Nadab is said to have ruled for two years (I kings 14:20; 15:25). Since it is also related that he came to the throne in the second year of Asa s reign in… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Nadab — roi d Israël, de 943 à 941 (ou 909), était fils de Jéroboam. Il se livra à tous les excès, et fut tué, après un règne de deux ans, par Baasa, un de ses généraux, qui le remplaça sur le trône. Cet article comprend des extraits du Dictionnaire… … Wikipédia en Français
Nadab [1] — Nadab, Dorf im Bezirk Kis Jenö des Comitats Arad (ungarisches Verwaltungsgebiet Großwardein); 1750 Ew … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Nadab [2] — Nadab, 1) Sohn Aarons, ging mit Moses, seinem Vater u. seinem Bruder Abihu auf den Sinai u. brachte fremdes Feuer vor den Herrn, deshalb wurde er durch ein Feuer von Jehova verzehrt. 2) König in Israel, 953–951 v. Chr., s. Hebräer Gesch. IV. A) … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Nadab — Nadab, Jeroboams søn og efterfølger som konge i Israels rige. Han myrdedes efter et par års regering af Baesa, der udryddede Jeroboams slægt og tilrev sig magten … Danske encyklopædi
NADAB — I. NADAB fil. Aaron, Exod. c. 6. v. 23. cum fratre Abihu; negligentius sacra tractantes, occultô igne exustisunt, corporis supersicie et vestibus illaesis, Levit. c. 10. v. 1. Torniel. A. M. 2545. num. 4. Fil. item Semei, 1. Paral. c. 2. v. 28.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Nadab — Liberal, generous. 1) The eldest of Aaron s four sons (Ex. 6:23; Num. 3:2). He with his brothers and their father were consecrated as priests of Jehovah (Ex. 28:1). He afterwards perished with Abihu for the sin of offering strange fire on… … Easton's Bible Dictionary