- Pop Tops
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Pop-Tops — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Los Pop Tops fue un grupo musical español formado en 1967 en Madrid, España con los siguientes componentes: José Lipiani, Alberto Vega, Ignacio Pérez, Julián Luis Angulo, Enrique Gómez, Ray Gómez y el cantante Phil… … Wikipedia Español
Los Pop Tops — Pop Tops Gründung 1967 Auflösung 1974 Genre Pop Mitglieder Gesang Phil Trim Gitarre, Gesang Julián Luis Angulo Saxophon, Klarinette … Deutsch Wikipedia
The Pop Tops — Pop Tops Gründung 1967 Auflösung 1974 Genre Pop Mitglieder Gesang Phil Trim Gitarre, Gesang Julián Luis Angulo Saxophon, Klarinette … Deutsch Wikipedia
Los Pop Tops — Note: This group s record releases in countries around the world credited the artist variously as Los Pop Tops, The Pop Tops, and simply as Pop Tops. In some countries, the artist credit included featuring Phil Trim Los Pop Tops were a… … Wikipedia
Pop de España — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El término pop español hace referencia a la música pop proveniente de España, que tuvo su origen en la evolución del rock español nacido a finales de los 50. Historia El Pop español tuvo su origen a partir del rock… … Wikipedia Español
pop-top — /pop top /, adj. 1. (of a can) having a top with a tab or ring that when pulled up or off exposes a precut hole or peels off the entire lid. n. 2. Also, pop top. a can having such a top: drinking beer from a pop top. 3. the top itself. 4. the tab … Universalium
pop-top — ¦ ̷ ̷ ˌ ̷ ̷ noun Etymology: pop (I) + top (I) : a closure that can be pulled to open a container making a special opening device unnecessary * * * /pop top /, adj. 1. (of a can) having a top with a tab or ring that when pulled up or off exposes a … Useful english dictionary
pop (some) tops — tv. to drink beer. □ Wanna go out tonight and pop some tops? □ We are going to pop tops and watch the B ball game … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
Pop up canopy — Pop up canopies are portable shelters that collapse down to a size that is portable. Typically canopies of this type come in varied sizes from 5 x5 to 10 x20 .Most pop up canopies come in two pieces, the canopy frame and the canopy top. Canopy… … Wikipedia
POP-2 — POP 2, often referred to as POP2 was a programming language developed around 1970 from the earlier language POP 1 (originally named COWSEL) by Robin Popplestone and Rod Burstall at the University of Edinburgh. It drew roots from many sources: the … Wikipedia