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  • Qasim — (ArB|قاسم; also transliterated Cassim, Kassim, or Qassim) is a male Arabic given name that means the person who distributes. People named Qasim include: *Qasim ibn Muhammad, son of Muhammad *Qasim ibn Hassan, son of the second Shia Imam Hasan and …   Wikipedia

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  • Qasim Khanate — or Kingdom of Qasim (Tatar: Qasím xanlığı/Касыйм ханлыгы , Qasím patşalığı/Касыйм патшалыгы ; Russian: Касимовское ханство , Касимовское царство ) was a Tatar territorial formation (khanate), vassal of Russia, which existed from 1452 till 1681 in …   Wikipedia

  • Qasim Barid I — (r.1489 1504) was a prime minister of the Bahmani sultanate and the founder of the Bidar Sultanate, one of the five late medieval Indian kingdoms, together known as the Deccan sultanates. Qasim Barid was a Turk, domiciled in Georgia. He entered… …   Wikipedia

  • Qasim Hadi — (né en 1967)[1] est un syndicaliste irakien, secrétaire général du Syndicat des chômeurs en Irak. Technicien en machines agricoles, puis ouvrier dans la confection textile, Qasim Hadi a participé à plusieurs grèves à Mouseiba, Bagdad et Qadhimia …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Qasim Ibrahim — (also known as Buruma Qasim ) is a businessman and politician in the Maldives.It has been claimed that he is also the wealthiest person in the Maldives, with a net worth of approximately $456 million in 2000, according to his interview for the… …   Wikipedia

  • Qasim Amin — (arabisch ‏قاسم أمين‎) (* 1863; † 1908) war ein ägyptischer Jurist. Seine bekanntesten Werke sind Die Befreiung der Frau (Tahrir Al Mar ah – 1899) und Die neue Frau (Al Mar ah Al Jadidah – 1901). Amin war ein Schüler des berühmten… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Qasim Amin — (1865 1908) est un penseur égyptien connu comme principal instigateur du courant féministe arabe. Sommaire 1 B …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Qasim Amin — (1863 1908) was an Egyptian jurist and one of the founders of the Egyptian national movement and Cairo University. Born to an Upper Egyptian mother and an Ottoman father who had served as an administrator in Kurdistan then Egypt, [Amin, Qasim.… …   Wikipedia

  • Qasim Khan — Qasím Khan or Qasim of Kasimov (? 1469), was the first khan of the Qasim Khanate, a Tatar khanate since 1450s. He was the son of Kazan khan Oluğ Möxämmäd.He participated in the battles of Belyov in 1437 and of Suzdal in 1445. After the treaty of… …   Wikipedia

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