Steirische Volkspartei — Logo Basisdaten Landesparteiobmann Hermann Schützenhöfer Klubobmann Christopher Drexler Landesgeschäftsführer … Deutsch Wikipedia
Stanford Entrepreneurship Corner — Infobox Person name = STVP Entrepreneurship Corner image size = 250pxStanford Technology Ventures Program (STVP) Entrepreneurship Corner (ECorner) (Formerly Educators Corner) is a free online archive of entrepreneurship resources for teaching and … Wikipedia
Wegart — Franz Wegart (2008) Franz Wegart (* 25. Juli 1918 in Graz; † 30. Januar 2009 ebenda) war ein österreichischer Politiker der ÖVP. Wegart war langjähriger Abgeordneter zum Steiermärkischen Landtag, Landesrat (vom 11. April 1961 bis 10. Dezember… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mayfield Fund — Type Private Industry Private equity Founded 1969 Founder(s) … Wikipedia
Praßl — Michael Praßl (* 15. September 1955 in Feldbach) ist ein österreichischer Landwirt, Politiker (ÖVP) und Abgeordneter zum Österreichischen Nationalrat. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Ausbildung und Beruf 2 Politik 3 Priva … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tom Byers — is a professor at Stanford University in the United States. He concentrates in the area of high technology ventures and serves as the faculty director for the Stanford Technology Ventures Program.Byers was an early employee at Go Corporation and… … Wikipedia
Gordon Prize — Bernard M. Gordon Prize The Bernard M. Gordon Prize was started in 2001 by the United States National Academy of Engineering. Its purpose is to recognize leaders in academia for the development of new educational approaches to engineering.[1]… … Wikipedia
National Academy of Engineering — The United States National Academy of Engineering (NAE) is a government created non profit institution that was founded in 1964 under the same congressional act that led to the founding of the National Academy of Sciences. As a national academy,… … Wikipedia
Complexity theory and strategy — Complexity theory has been used extensively in the field of strategic management and organizational studies, sometimes called complexity strategy or complex adaptive organization on the internet or in popular press. Broadly speaking, complexity… … Wikipedia
Edinburgh Stanford Link — The Edinburgh Stanford Link is a £6 million, 5 year initiative funded by Scottish Enterprise to foster collaborative research and commercialisation links between the Human Communication Research Centre at the University of Edinburgh and the… … Wikipedia