SPARTAN — (englisch Shuttle Pointed Autonomous Research Tool for Astronomy) ist ein freifliegender Satellit, der einen Instrumententräger zum Aufbau unterschiedlicher Experimente bietet. Die Entwicklung von SPARTAN basiert auf der Idee, eine einfache und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Spartan — may refer to:* pertaining to Sparta ** Spartan hoplite, heavy infantryman in the Spartan army ** Spartan Army * Spartan (apple), apple cultivar developed in 1926 * Spartan Alphabet, fingerspellingPopular culture* John Spartan, male lead character … Wikipedia
spartan — SPARTÁN, Ă, spartani, e, s.m. şi f., adj. 1. s.m. şi f. Persoană care făcea parte din populaţia vechiului oraş grecesc Sparta. ♦ fig. Persoană cu concepţii şi moravuri austere. 2. adj. Care aparţine Spartei sau spartanilor (1), privitor la Sparta … Dicționar Român
Spartan II — Der Spartan II ist ein in den 80er Jahren von der Spartan Motorcar Company in San Marcos, hergestellter Nachbau des 36er Mercedes Modells 540K. Seine Basis ist das Chassis eines Nissan 300ZX. Er ist 5,18 m lang, wiegt 1.700 kg, hat einen V6 Motor … Deutsch Wikipedia
Spartan — Spar tan, a. [L. Spartanus.] Of or pertaining to Sparta, especially to ancient Sparta; hence, hardy; undaunted; as, Spartan souls; Spartan bravey. n. A native or inhabitant of Sparta; figuratively, a person of great courage and fortitude. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Spartan — [spärt′ n] adj. [L Spartanus] 1. of ancient Sparta or its people or culture 2. like or characteristic of the Spartans, who were famous for being warlike, brave, stoical, severe, frugal, and highly disciplined 3. not luxurious or ornate; plain;… … English World dictionary
Spartan — ► ADJECTIVE 1) of or relating to Sparta, a city state in ancient Greece. 2) (spartan) lacking in comfort or luxury; austere. ► NOUN ▪ a citizen of Sparta … English terms dictionary
Spartan — index draconian Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
spartan — I adjective aggressive, audax, bellicose, bold, brave, courageous, daring, dauntless, determined, disciplined, doughty, fearless, fierce, firm, formidable, fortis, hardy, hero like, heroic, highly disciplined, indomitable, intrepid, iron hearted … Law dictionary
spartan — ou sparton (spar tan ou spar ton) s. m. Terme de marine. Cordage fabriqué avec des tiges de genêt. ÉTYMOLOGIE Sparte … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré