STUTTHOF — (Pol. Sztutowo), German concentration camp established in a secluded area 22½ mi. (36 km.) E. of Danzig, which existed from Sept. 2, 1939, until May 9, 1945. Surrounded by water on three sides, the land was wet and almost at sea level. It was… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Stutthof — Stutthof, Dorf im preuß. Regbez. Danzig, Kreis Danziger Niederung, am nördlichen Mündungsarm der Elbinger Weichsel, zwischen der Danziger Bucht und dem Frischen Haff und an der Kleinbahnlinie Danzig S., hat (1905) 2464 Einw … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Stutthof — (actualmente Sztutowo) Pequeño poblado en el distrito de Nowy Dwór Gdanski, región o voivodato [województwo] de Pomerania [Pomorskie] en Polonia. En ese lugar estaba emplazado el famoso campo de concentración nazi homónimo que hoy en día funciona … Enciclopedia Universal
Stutthof — Le Stutthof[1] (Zivilgefangenenlager Stutthof, Konzentrationslager Stutthof, Durchgangslager Stutthof, Sonderlager Stutthof, Arbeitserziehungslager Stutthof) – est un camp de concentration allemand établi le 2 septembre 1939 sur le … Wikipédia en Français
Stutthof — ▪ concentration camp, Poland Nazi (Nazi Party) German concentration camp and extermination camp located outside the village of Stutthof (now Sztutowo, Poland), 22 miles (36 km) east of Danzig (now Gdańsk, Poland). First established by the… … Universalium
Stutthof — The term Stutthof can refer to: *Sztutowo ( Stutthof ) in Poland *Stutthof concentration camp built near Sztutowo … Wikipedia
Stutthof — Stụtthof, nationalsozialistisches Konzentrationslager, östlich von Danzig, im September 1939 eingerichtet als Zivilgefangenenlager, ab November 1941 Arbeitserziehungslager (auch SS Sonderlager genannt), ab Januar 1942 KZ mit zahlreichen Außen… … Universal-Lexikon
Stutthof — This concentration camp was located east of Danzig (Gdansk), at the mouth of the Vistula River. Initially designated as a camp for civilian prisoners of war following the German invasion of Poland in September 1939, it became a concentration… … Historical dictionary of the Holocaust
Stutthof Trial — was a war crime tribunal held at Gdańsk, Poland, from April 25, 1946, to May 31, 1946, where the joint Soviet/Polish Special Criminal Court tried and convicted of crimes against humanity a group of thirteen ex officials and overseers of the… … Wikipedia
Stutthof concentration camp — Not to be confused with Struthof. Coordinates: 54°19′44″N 19°09′14″E / 54.32889°N 19.15389°E / 54.32889; 19.15389 … Wikipedia