TPR — may refer to:* The Paris Review , an American literary magazine * The Planetary Report , the Planetary Society s magazine about space exploration *The Princeton Review, an American educational preparation company *Total peripheral resistance, the … Wikipedia
tpr — tpr; TPR; … English syllables
tpr — interj. KlvrŽ žr. tpru 1: Išgirdome mūsų palangėje: – Tpr r r! J.Balt … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
TPR — Abreviatura de temperatura, pulso, respiración. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 … Diccionario médico
TPR — est un sigle pour Tarbes Pyrénées rugby, en France Tetratricopeptide, voir (en) Tetratricopeptide The Paris Review, une revue américaine de littérature, voir (en) The Paris Review Théâtre Populaire Romand en Suisse Tiro Pesante Rapido, dési … Wikipédia en Français
TPR — [Abk. für engl. trigonal prism = trigonales Prisma]: ein kursiv zu setzendes ↑ Polyedersymbol (auch in Zus. wie TPRS, TPRT) … Universal-Lexikon
tpr — abbreviation 1. taper 2. often capitalized T&P&R teleprinter 3. trooper * * * Med. temperature, pulse, respiration: used esp. in recording a patient s vital signs on a medical chart. * * * abbrev Trooper * * * TPR 7 [TPR … Useful english dictionary
TPR — abbreviation temperature, pulse, respiration * * * Med. temperature, pulse, respiration: used esp. in recording a patient s vital signs on a medical chart. * * * abbrev Trooper * * * TPR 7 [TPR] [ˌtiː piː ˈɑː(r)] [ˌtiː piː ˈɑːr] abbreviation ↑ … Useful english dictionary
TPR — Abbreviation for total peripheral resistance. * * * temperature, pulse, and respiration; testosterone production rate; tetraricopeptide repeat; third party reimbursement; tissue phantom ratio; total peripheral resistance; total pulmonary… … Medical dictionary
Tpr-met fusion protein — is an oncogene fusion protein consisting of TPR and MET.[1] References ^ Mak HH, Peschard P, Lin T, Naujokas MA, Zuo D, Park M (2007). Oncogenic activation of the Met receptor tyrosine kinase fusion protein, Tpr Met, involves exclusion from the… … Wikipedia