Beast — (b[=e]st), n. [OE. best, beste, OF. beste, F. b[^e]te, fr. L. bestia.] 1. Any living creature; an animal; including man, insects, etc. [Obs.] Chaucer. [1913 Webster] 2. Any four footed animal, that may be used for labor, food, or sport; as, a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
beast — beast; beast·ie; beast·i·ly; beast·ings; beast·li·ly; beast·li·ness; beast·man; beast·ly; beast·lings; … English syllables
beast — [ bist ] noun count ** 1. ) MAINLY LITERARY an animal, especially a dangerous or strange one: a wild beast 2. ) a cruel or immoral person, especially one who behaves in a violent or sexual way a ) INFORMAL OLD FASHIONED used for speaking to… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
beast — [bi:st] n [Date: 1100 1200; : Old French; Origin: beste, from Latin bestia] 1.) written an animal, especially a large or dangerous one 2.) old fashioned someone who is cruel or unpleasant ▪ You beast! Let go! 3.) something of a particular type or … Dictionary of contemporary English
beast — (n.) c.1200, from O.Fr. beste animal, wild beast, figuratively fool, idiot (11c., Mod.Fr. bête), from V.L. *besta, from L. bestia beast, wild animal, of unknown origin. Used to translate Latin animal. Replaced O.E. deor (see DEER (Cf. deer)) as… … Etymology dictionary
beast|ly — «BEEST lee», adjective, li|er, li|est, adverb. –adj. 1. like a beast; coarse, dirty, or brutal; vile: »The beastly behavior of the savages frightened their prisoners. 2. Informal. very bad or irritating; unpleasant; … Useful english dictionary
beast — [bēst] n. [ME & OFr beste < L bestia < ? IE base * dheus > DEER] 1. Archaic any animal as distinguished from a human being 2. any large, four footed animal; sometimes, specif., a domesticated animal 3. qualities or impulses like an… … English World dictionary
beast — index animal Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
beast — [n] large wild animal; brute barbarian, beastie*, creature, critter*, fiend, gargoyle, glutton, lower animal, monster, monstrosity, pig, quadruped, swine, varmint*; concept 394 … New thesaurus
beast — ► NOUN 1) an animal, especially a large or dangerous mammal. 2) a very cruel or wicked person. ORIGIN Latin bestia … English terms dictionary