

Das Wort Blinker (engl. to blink = blinzeln, zwinkern) ist:

Blinker ist auch ein Familienname:

  • Regi Blinker (* 1969), surinamisch-niederländischer Fußballspieler

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Wiktionary Wiktionary: Blinker – Bedeutungserklärungen, Wortherkunft, Synonyme, Übersetzungen
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Schlagen Sie auch in anderen Wörterbüchern nach:

  • Blinker — Blinker …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • blinker — blìnker m DEFINICIJA reg. 1. umjetni mamac za ribe; varak, varalica 2. treptajuće, signalno svjetlo u prometu koje upozorava na opasnost 3. (mn) term. naočnjaci u obliku kape za trkaće konje; sprečavaju ih da gledaju ustranu i unazad ETIMOLOGIJA… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Blinker — Blink er, n. 1. One who, or that which, blinks. [1913 Webster] 2. A blinder for horses; a flap of leather on a horse s bridle to prevent him from seeing objects as his side hence, whatever obstructs sight or discernment. [1913 Webster] Nor bigots …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • blìnker — m reg. 1. {{001f}}umjetni mamac za ribe od kovine, plastične mase itd.; varak, varalica 2. {{001f}}treptajuće, signalno svjetlo u prometu koje upozorava na opasnost (na cesti, pružnom prijelazu, ograđenim dijelovima gradnje i sl.) 3. {{001f}}〈mn〉 …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • blinker — (n.) 1630s, one who blinks, agent noun from BLINK (Cf. blink) (v.). As a type of horse eye screen to keep the animal looking straight ahead, from 1789. Slang meaning the eye is from 1816. Meaning intermittent flashing light is from 1923 …   Etymology dictionary

  • blinker — ► NOUN chiefly Brit. 1) (blinkers) a pair of small screens attached to a horse s bridle to prevent the horse seeing sideways. 2) (blinkers) a thing that prevents someone from understanding a situation fully. 3) a vehicle indicator light that… …   English terms dictionary

  • blinker — [bliŋkər] n. ☆ 1. a) a flashing warning light at crossings b) a light for signaling messages in flashes 2. [pl.] a) two flaps on a bridle that keep the horse from seeing to the sides, esp. as worn by a racehorse that tends to shy: see HARNESS b)… …   English World dictionary

  • Blinker — Blinkleuchte; Fahrtrichtungsanzeiger * * * Blin|ker [ blɪŋkɐ], der; s, : a) Leuchte an Kraftfahrzeugen, deren blinkendes Licht dazu dient, eine Änderung der Fahrtrichtung anzuzeigen: den Blinker setzen. Syn.: ↑ Blinklicht. b) blinkender Köder aus …   Universal-Lexikon

  • blinker — A warning light or indicator that blinks to confirm that the system is functioning or malfunctioning. An oxygen blinker. If its lips are open, it means oxygen is being supplied. If lips are closed, it means there is no oxygen supply. Master… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Blinker — blinken »glänzen, funkeln«: Das im 16. Jh. aus dem Niederd. übernommene Verb geht zurück auf mnd. blinken »glänzen«, das verwandt ist mit niederl. blinken »schimmern, blinken«, engl. to blink »blinken; blinzeln, schimmern«, schwed. blinka… …   Das Herkunftswörterbuch

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