Blur — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Blur Blur en Hyde Park en 2009. Información personal Origen … Wikipedia Español
Blur — can refer to:Unfocused imagery Blur generally refers to the appearance of an unfocused image. See Defocus aberration, eyeglass prescription, lens and eye. Specific terms using this meaning of Blur include:* Bokeh, the appearance of out of focus… … Wikipedia
Blur — (bl[^u]r), n. 1. That which obscures without effacing; a stain; a blot, as upon paper or other substance. [1913 Webster] As for those who cleanse blurs with blotted fingers, they make it worse. Fuller. [1913 Webster] 2. A dim, confused… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Blur — (bl[^u]r), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Blurred} (bl[^u]rd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Blurring}.] [Prob. of same origin as blear. See {Blear}.] 1. To render obscure by making the form or outline of confused and uncertain, as by soiling; to smear; to make… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
blur — blur; blur·ry; blur·red·ly; … English syllables
blur|ry — «BLUR ee», adjective, ri|er, ri|est. 1. dim; indistinct: »The hills were a blurry outline in the dusk. 2. full of smears and smudges: » a blurry copy … Useful english dictionary
Blur — es el nombre de una banda inglesa de rock. Llamada Seymour en un principio, Blur se formó en Londres en 1989 por Damon Albarn (vocalista, teclista), Graham Coxon (guitarrista) y Alex James (bajista). Posteriormente, el batería Dave Rowntree se… … Enciclopedia Universal
blur — [v1] cloud, fog becloud, bedim, befog, blear, blind, darken, daze, dazzle, dim, glare, make hazy, make indistinct, make vague, mask, muddy, obscure, shade, soften; concept 627 Ant. clear, uncloud, unsmudge blur [v2] make dirty besmear, blemish,… … New thesaurus
blur — index blind (obscure), deface, indistinctness, obfuscate, obnubilate, obscuration, obscure, sully … Law dictionary
blur — ► VERB (blurred, blurring) ▪ make or become unclear or less distinct. ► NOUN ▪ something that cannot be seen, heard, or recalled clearly. DERIVATIVES blurry adjective (blurrier, blurriest) … English terms dictionary