BOEHME (J.) — Jakob Boehme est un des plus grands représentants des courants mystiques et théosophiques de l’Allemagne des XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Contesté de son vivant, en raison de l’originalité de sa doctrine et de son obscurité, il exerça une immense… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Boehme — ou Böhme (Jakob) (1575 1624) philosophe mystique allemand. Il soutient que tout provient de Dieu, les contraires notamment … Encyclopédie Universelle
Boehme — Jakob Böhme Jakob Böhme, par Gottlob Glymann Jakob Böhme (né à Alt Seidenberg en 1575, mort le 17 novembre 1624 à Görlitz) fut un théosophe[1] illuminé allemand, un des principaux représentant d … Wikipédia en Français
Boehme — noun German mystic and theosophist who founded modern theosophy; influenced George Fox (1575 1624) • Syn: ↑Jakob Boehme, ↑Bohme, ↑Jakob Bohme, ↑Boehm, ↑Jakob Boehm, ↑Behmen, ↑Jakob Behmen • … Useful english dictionary
BOEHME, Jakob — (1575 1624) Jakob Boehme, after a series of mystical experiences, turned from shoemaking and devoted the rest of his life to preaching and writing about God. Boehme s accounts of his mystical experiences later became a major influence upon other… … Renaissance and Reformation 1500-1620: A Biographical Dictionary
Boehme's giant day gecko — Taxobox name = Boehme s giant day gecko regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Reptilia ordo = Squamata familia = Gekkonidae subfamilia = Gekkoninae genus = Phelsuma species = P. madagascariensis subspecies = P. m. boehmei trinomial =… … Wikipedia
Boehme, Jakob — (1575–1624) Mystic. Boehme was born in Altseidenberg in Germany and earned his living as a shoemaker. During the course of his life he had various mystical experiences which he described in his books. Other works, published after his death … Who’s Who in Christianity
Boehme — /bay meuh, boh /; Ger. /bue meuh/, n. Jakob Ger. /yah kawp/. See Böhme, Jakob. * * * … Universalium
Boehme,Jakob — Boeh·me (bœʹmə) or Boehm (bœm), Jakob. See Böhme, Jakob. * * * … Universalium
Boehme, Jacob — (or Behmen ) (1575–1624) German mystic, whose vision of God as the undifferentiated Absolute (the Ungrund ), and opposition to formal and biblical statements of religious doctrine, influenced both the Quakers and German Romantics, particularly… … Philosophy dictionary