Age of Mythology — Обложка российского издания Разработчик Ensemble Studios Издатели … Википедия
Heaven — may refer to the physical heavens, the sky or the seemingly endless expanse of the universe beyond.The term is used to refer to a plane of existence (sometimes held to exist in our own universe) in religions and spiritual philosophies, typically… … Wikipedia
Age of Mythology — Éditeur Microsoft Développeur Ensemble Studios … Wikipédia en Français
Heaven 17 — Pays d’origine Royaume Uni Genre musical Synthpop New wave Années d activité … Wikipédia en Français
Age of Empires — is a series of computer video games developed by Ensemble Studios and published by Microsoft Game Studios. The first title of the series was Age of Empires , released in 1997. Since then, seven titles and three spin offs have been released. The… … Wikipedia
Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties — Desarrolladora(s) Ensemble Studios y Big Huge Games Distribuidora(s) Microsoft Diseñador(es) Bruce Shelley … Wikipedia Español
Age of Empires III — Desarrolladora(s) Ensemble Studios Distribuidora(s) Microsoft Diseñador(es) Bruce Shelley … Wikipedia Español
Age of Mythology: The Titans — Developer(s) Ensemble Studios Publisher(s) Microsoft Game Studios … Wikipedia
Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome — рус. Эпоха Империй: Расцвет Рима Передняя обложка Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome Разработчик Ensemble Studios Издатель … Википедия
Age of Wonders — (dt. Zeitalter der Wunder; meist AoW abgekürzt) ist eine rundenbasierte Fantasy Strategiespielreihe des niederländischen Spieleentwicklers Triumph Studios. Sie gilt als spiritueller Nachfolger von Master of Magic. Age of Wonders … Deutsch Wikipedia